Chapter 43- You Ready Bey?

Start from the beginning

As Jay ordered our food we stood near the railings and viewed the beautiful NYC sight.

"So what did your father say?" He asked as he wrapped my up in his arms.

"Just a bunch of stuff that he feels was okay to say."

"You gonna keep hiding what he says or you gonna just tell me so we can move pass this. There is nothing he can say about me that I haven't heard before. So tell me."

"I don't want to talk about my dad."

"Is this what I'm in for since we're official. Having to beg you to open up to me? I'm not for it, we were open with eachother all those times so why not now?"

"Because the things my dad called me were degrading and low." I said crying into Jay's arms.

Gripping me tighter into his arms only made me more emotional.

"I'm sorry Bey. I knew it was bad but I didn't no he took it that far."

"He talked about how I am in in love with an ex-drug dealer that I am giving all my attention too instead of working on my music like Kelly and Michelle, how I am just your personal little hoe and how I am gonna come back knocked up and have to crawl back to him to fix it. Whats even more sadder is the fact thay he don't care about my heart he cares about my image." I said staggering through my tears and sobbing.

"Now I wish I haven't asked. Because its all my fault."

"Jay its not your fault. My love is my love and my heart is my heart. I am not just gonna be thrown to the wolves for a few  dollars. Atleast let my personal life be my choice and not everything for publicity. He makes me so sick sometimes." I said wiping my tears away.

"I know your upset but never disrespect your dad. Atleast remember he did alot for you."

"I do appericiate what he has done and is doing but that doesn't mean I must throw my wants and desires away. I have given up so much of my life to chase dreams and it has been fatten his pocket but making me unhappy because he doesn't no how to separate being a father from a manager. I don't need his approval about my relationship. I just want his support and for him to realize that my relationship is off limits. Don't say nothing about it at all."

"So what you gonna do Bey? You can't shun your father away forever and plus you need to start working on your career, because in reality your talent goes beyond that group."

"I'll try to work it out, I just wanna relax and sleep forever and ever."

"Lets eat and I'll take you back to the hotel so you can relax."

We finally got our food and to my surprise Jay ordered correctly. This time we shared baked chicken, vegetable rice and buttered corn with gravy.

Since he knew I was officially 21 he purchased the most expensive wine they had. Although I ordered to be wine & dine I didn't expect for him to break his pocket everytime.

As we ate we made small talk with eachother. Being in Jay's presence was like a breath of tropical air. He had become my pillow of comfort in so many ways that if I actually left him it might frighten me to ever fall for another.

Shawn POV

Sitting down with Bey was exacatly what I needed. Although she tried to hide the mean reason why her father was upset I already knew so it didn't bother me that much. However I was a bit troubled because everyone around me talked about how I hadn't taken a hoe home from the club in over a year. My friend Dame even got to the point where he decided to throw a girl on me but I couldn't crack. So I have to admit I was a bit bothered by everything her father was saying.

I really hated having to see Bey cry it was nerve wrecking because she had the most beautiful eyes and the biggest smile. So I was willing to do whatever made her happy. After we ate I quickly paid the bill and we headed towards the hotel.

"Do you enjoy these dinners? Or is it because of me?" She asked looking at me popping a smirk across her face.

"I enjoy them. I actually get a chance to have an actual conversation." I said looking at her back and forth. In split seconds her facial expression changed and I knew something was on her mind.

"Whats on your mind nah ma'? "

"Nothing that serious."

''I still wanna no so shoot."

"Would it be right if I booked studio sessions here in NYC without informing my dad. I kinda of wanna have songs laid out for release."

"Its a good idea. But why you so scared?"

"I'm not scared. Its just I don't want to get too comfortable doing things solo and then I throw away the thing that has brought me here."

"Bey you can do great things as a solo artist. And since we are in that note I might as well tell you I have a song that I would like you on?"

"Me? With You? On a record? For your album?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes and Yes."

"You kidding me right? Like you seriously want me in the studio with you singing and then performing."

"Whats wrong? You nervous?"

"No I'll love that at least my first big record would be with someone I'm comfortable with."

"Well before you except I will send your demo and then you can sleep on it. As for right now you need to find sleep and peace."

As we headed towards the hotel we made a few small talks. I could of tell that Bey either missed me or really was fastinate with something on my face because she starred at me alot for no reason.

We pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and was esorted through the back just like I asked. We got into the elevator and headed upstairs since Bey wanted me to be there to see the opening of her gifts.

"I wanna do it!" She said.

"Do what?"

"The record I wanna do it because I would love to start my solo career right and I would really love just doing a video with you for the first time. It would be great." She said swinging my hands as we headed into her hotelroom.

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