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Anne POV
I lay in bed next to Cathy and watch as she write her story. "Cathy?" I ask and she looks at me,

"What?" She asks and I smile,

"I wanna go roller skating today." I say and Cathy shakes her head, "why not?" I ask and she giggles,

"Because I don't feel like falling a bunch of times." She says and I groan,

"Then what are we gonna do all day?" I ask and Cathy shrugs her shoulders,

"Well the first thing you can do today is tame that bed head." She says and ruffles my hair, I push her hand away.

"Caaathhhyyy!" I whine and she kisses my head, I stand up and walk into the bathroom to brush my hair.

Cathy POV
I watch as Anne finishes putting her hair in space buns. She walks over to the bed and watches as I type again. I smile. I love you. I type and she giggles, I love you too you nerd.

At least I'm not a gremlin.

Hey! That's mean!

I giggle and look up at Anne who was pouting. "I love you gremlin!" I exclaim and she pushes my head to the side and walks out the room.

"I love you too nerd!" Anne screams running down the stairs. I laugh and Kat walks into my room.

"What was that about?" She asks and I giggle,

"Nothing," I say and Kat nods.

"Jane said that it's time to get out of bed and that we're going to pick apples and then we're going somewhere else. I can't remember." Kat says and I nod,

"Okie dokie." I say and Anne runs upstairs,

"I'm picking out your outfit and you can't stop me!" Anne exclaims and I sigh.

"Whatever," I sigh and Anne squeals.

10 minutes later
"Anne. I don't want to wear orange!" I exclaim and she grabs a blue jumper.

"Is this better?" She asks and I nod,

"Much better." I say and she hands it to me, she grabs a pair of my black jeans and she grabs my shoes. "Wow. I didn't know that my gremlin could make an outfit that wasn't mismatch," I say and Anne glares at me. I giggle and she pecks my lips,

"Anne! Can you come help me?!" Kat exclaims and Anne runs out of the room. I shut my door and get dressed.

1 hour later
I giggle and boop Anne's nose. "Boop," I say and she whines.

"Just because my nose is red and I am cold doesn't mean you get to boop my nose!" Anne exclaims and I nod,

"Yes it does!" I exclaim and I turn my head to see a bunch of family laughing.

"Anna! Help me get this Apple!" Kat exclaims and I smile as Anna picks Kat up.

1 hour later
I smile, Anne's nose was red and it made her look adorable. "Awww is Annie cold?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"No!" She exclaims and I giggle. "I'm freezing," Anne says and I smile as we walk back to the car. I open the door and Anne climbs in, "Wanna have a movie night when we get home?" Anne asks and I nod,

"Sure." I whisper and Anne smiles.

At ze house
Anne grabs a bunch of blankets and starts to build a fort in her room. I watch as Anne struggles to keep the blankets up. "Y'know some help would be kinda nice!" Anne exclaim and I stand up and pin one of the blankets to her wall. "Thank you! Oooo I'm gonna go make popcorn!" Anne exclaims and runs out of her room. I smile at her silliness, I grab some pillows and set it in the fort. I grab a piece of paper, I love you ❤️ I write and set it in her spot.

Anne walks in holding a bowl of popcorn and soda/pop. "I didn't know what drink you wanted so I just got you root beer." Anne says and I hold my arms out, she sets the popcorn in my arms and I smile. She pulls out her laptop and puts on a movie, Anne smiles and hands me the root beer.

"Thank you," I say and she goes to sit down but sees the note. She smiles at me and kisses me, I kiss back and she pulls away.

"I love you too Cathy," Anne says. She lays down and I do the same. She holds her arms out and I move closer to her, she wraps her arms around me and I smile when she kisses my head. 

I watch as Anne sings along to the songs in Mamma Mia. "Annie," I whisper and she looks at me.

"Yeah?" She asks and I cuddle into her half asleep.

"One day I'm gonna marry you," I whisper.


"And we're gonna have a dog and two kids." I mumble and Anne giggles,

"I think that's a perfect idea. I wanna name the dog floofster though." Anne says and I giggle,

"Only if he's fluffy." I mumble and fall asleep.

5 years later
"Floofster! Off the couch!" I exclaim and he tilts his head. "Off the couch!" I exclaim and he hops down and trots over to Lizzie who was drawing at the table.

"Mama?" Mae asks and smiles at me, "I have a strawberry?" Mae asks and I pick her up,

"You can have one strawberry."

"But I want 4," she says. Anne walks downstairs smiling,

"Ooo can I have a strawberry?" Anne asks and I giggle,

"Mae was just asking for some." I say and Mae smiles at Anne,

"I big girl, I get four strawberries because I four" Mae says and Lizzie laughs,

"Mae, you're only two four!" She exclaims and stands up,

"No! I four!" Mae says and I smile, "I have a strawberry?" She asks and I look at Anne who had the entire bowl in her hand.

"Annie!" I exclaim and she looks at me confused,

"What?" She asks,

"That was for later tonight!" I exclaim and she shrugs and hands Mae one.

"Yay! Thank you!" Mae says and I set her down, she starts eating her strawberry.

"Lizzie? You want one since your Mom's a thief?" I ask and she nods, Anne looks at me.

"I am not a thief! I'm just really hungry!" Anne says and I glare at her,

"Then make yourself something to eat!"

"I don't want to make myself something to eat! I just wanted strawberries!" Anne exclaims and Lizzie takes one. Anne hands the bowl back to me and I put them in the fridge.

"We are covering those in chocolate later," I whisper in Anne's ear and she squeals.

"YES!" She exclaims and I giggle,

"I love you Annie." I whisper and she pecks my lips,

"I love you too," she says.


Random Fact: I seriously have an alarm set for midnight so I can wake up and write a parrmour one shot half asleep.

-ThE gRiM tOrTuLlLeEeE🐢💀🐢

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