032 : On His Knees

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3 months later

"If you could just slow down! My legs are too short to catch up!" Y/N yelled from behind, glaring at her lover. Hyunjin look back at her with a confused look. The both of them are taking a long walk by the streets. It's almost dark so all Y/N thought is that they are heading back to their car.

But Hyunjin got something on his sleeves other than that.

"Come on, we're almost there already." Hyunjin said and slung his arm onto Y/N's shoulder. Y/N who was glaring at him earlier, softened. She smiled and wrap her arms around his body and continued to walk. For the past three months, her relationship with Hyunjin grew stronger. Of course, there are many fights and misunderstanding that occurs, but they don't end the night without them getting along with each other.

"I thought we're heading to the car. Where are we going now?" Y/N confusedly asked as she realized that the two of them are standing at the foot of the bridge, the stairs in front of her. It's dark but there are a few streetlights.

"I want to see the whole city from up there," he said pointing at the bridge. "And I want to see it with you. It's always been a dream of mine." he added, smiling. Y/N smiled and her heart softened. Of course, she would agree. If that makes him happy, then why not?

After all, all she ever wanted is to make him happy. To be the girl behind his smile.

"Let's go!" Y/N giggled and ran onto the stairs leaving Hyunjin behind her. As soon as she get at the top and on the bridge, she look back only to see Hyunjin standing at the end of the stairs. "Come on!" she yelled.

Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat as he caught a glimpse of her smile again. He will never get tired of those smile. He secretly look down and see the ring he is holding on his hand. He will propose to her again, tonight. It's still the same diamond ring he bought for her and tonight, he will ask for her hand, again.

"Coming!" he said and happily ran onto the stairs to go to his girl.

A few minutes later, the two of them is watching the city lights from the bridge. Thankfully, there are no other people by the bridge today, it's just the two of them so it looks so much more romantic. Y/N tells Hyunjin so many random stories about her life before. And Hyunjin seems to enjoy listening to her, with an amused look on his face. Everytime she speaks, he can't help but to stare at her as if she's the most prettiest girl on Earth.

Well, for him, she is.

The Mafia's organization seems to be 'at peace' for now because their greatest enemy (which is Dae Ho) is now forever gone. No other Mafia group is out there to threaten or start a war with them. After defeating Dae Ho, the news spread like a wildfire to all underground organizations in the underground world. SKZ and BTS proves that they are the strongest of them all. No one comes close.

Y/N's mother and her younger brother is now living a normal life just like before. But, they are still under the care of the Mafia's as Y/N requested. She needs to make sure that her only remaining family member is safe. Y/N chose to stay with Hyunjin, her heart chose to. 

As for Hyunjin, he finally lets himself heal and recover from his nightmarish past. Soyeon, he forget about her and focused on Y/N. His Dad, he moved on from his death knowing that the one who took his life away is now dead—rotting in hell. And for his dog—Kkami—well, the dog is doing just great. The dog seems to be Y/N and Hyunjin's baby.

The Mafia's work is a lot more impressive than before. The hackers hacked the government and exposes their lies to the citizens and people. They even shut down illegal sites that promotes child pornography and illegal casinos. The snipers are sent to protect important people during a national ceremony. The spies are sent to missions connected to the politics for them to dig in deeper about the government's wrong doing to deceive people.

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