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Hailey POV (plot twist )
When Sam (o2l one) came i mentally fangirled i have always had a crush on him(in my story everyone is 22 or 23 except Trevor hes 18) But i like Taylor gosh. I need a girls day.

Chanel POV
So I'm in a dilemma... I like Wren and JC and Ricky and kinda Tristen. Gosh i feel like such a HOE. I need to pick one. PROS AND CONS LIST DUH!
really nice
just broke up with lia
he can sometimes be a douche
childish too much
Soo cute
makes me feel special
Lives near me
Can make me smile through alot
His smile gives me butterflies
when we touch i feel sparks
sometimes hard to understand him

cute accent
treats me so nice
makes me smile
His hugs are so😻
Never hit me or mentally abused me
He gives me the tingles when we touch

Was part of the bullying

made me cut
bullied me for years
Made me move
hurt me so much

Now i have to decide between Ricky and Wren and tristen and JC ,I need a friend. I GOT IT. I rush to his room. KNOCK KNOCK! Connor opens with a smile and rush in and spill my dilemma. He listens and doesnt interrupt and nods and understands. He tells me to give it a couple weeks and take time to spend time with them and decide but not to lead them one cause that could lead to major heartbreak . I hug him so tight and thank him a million times caus ei found another best friend. I walk over to me and Haileys room and we haveny hung as much so me and her go out for a girls day!!!
We first go to get our hair dyed and redone! I get it a jet black which brings out my eyes and tan/semi dark complexion. Haiely gets hers Platinum blonde which makes her tanskin and blue eyes POP! We then head to the nail salona nd gossip as our nailes get treated and done. I got kinda long acrylics but not to long and then got the french tip(is that what its called?) Hailey got some acrylics too but hers were black. We go and shop till we drop
We go to so many stores i can barely remeber which ones. After we are so tired so we stop at taco ti eat and re-engerize . We head to the hotel and the guys stare at us since we are carrying at keats 20 bags each. Everyone compliments our looks while Wren,Tristen,JC and Ricky stare at me. Hailey is next me and i notice Taylor and both sams staring at her mouth open and basically drooling over her. LOL they are whipped. 😂😂😂😂😂

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