Chapter 1: Red like roses

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Hugo PoV
Location: Ash Crawler Chrysanthemum

It's been about 6 years now since the day we lost a good friend and comrade, granted we lost alot of good people to the port but none stung most like how we lost Arthur.

"Hey." I heared a voice call from behind, it was Luca.

"Hey there." I replied looking at the picture of Me, Luca, and Arthur.

"I remember that day... Arthur found a busted Camera with a single polaroid film in it and was able to fix it in no time flat... that guy was a genius." Luca said remembering the day we found a broken camera.

"I still remember all the pranks he pulled on you." Luca said with a smile.

"Yeah... hey Luca... can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure." He replied.

"Did you ever believed in what the guys on the port said... that Arthur died due to Oracle cell determination?" I asked.

"To be honest... I dont... I never did, I am a grade A because of my extremely high Resonance Sync rate, and Arthur is a Grade A due to the fact that he has extremely high Resistance to Ashblight corruption, on that day I saw him get scratched in the face by an Aragami... the cut was bad... but not impossible to recover from and with Arthur's high tolerance I am sure he would've been ok in a day or two." Luca responded.

"So that means that they just casted him off rather than taking care of him... maybe he is still out there... waiting for us." I said as I held to the picture.

"It's a possibility... but remember Hugo he was only 12 back then and the guys at the port destroyed his God Arc to be used as extra material, even if he did survive the corruption... there is a slight chance that he may be... gone." Luca said.

"I know." I repied.

Suddenly I heard the doors to out cabin open, Luca and I turned around and saw Phym and Lulu walk in.

"DADDY!" Phym said as she ran up to Luca and gave her a hug.

"Hey there little angel." Luca said with a smile.

"So what brings you guys here?" I asked.

"I saw Phym here wandering the lab so I brought here here instead." Lulu replied.

"Ohhhh... Hugo what that?" Phym asked as she pointed at the picture.

"... Oh its a picture of me, your dad, and... a very close friend." I replied.

"Flend... fl-fle-frie-nd?" Phym looked confused.

"Haha dont worry about it too much Phym." Luca said with a smile.

"What your friends name?" Phym asked.

"Yeah I'm kinda curious too." Lulu said.

"His name was Arthur... he was a great guy... we... lost him in a mission about 6 or so years ago... we don't really talk about it too much." Luca said.

"Attention all crew of the Chrysanthemum please meet at the Bridge! I repeat All crew of the Chrysanthemum please meet at the Bridge." We head Amy's voice call.

"Well you heard the lady, lets go." I said as we began to walk to wards the Bridge.

No PoV

The crew were all now gathered in the bridge, with Hilda being in the center.

"So what's up Hilda?" Hugo asked.

"We detected a small signal near here, it's human... but its very faint, I want you to see if something significant, but if you encounter an Ash Aragami I want you all to run, understand?" Hilda said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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