Start from the beginning

"...That was five years ago," a voice says from the doorway and Jimin jolts, placing the picture frame back in it's rightful place.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't help myself," Jimin says truthfully and Seokjin simply sniffs.

"It's fine. I told you my story. Now you know what he looks like. Or I guess... used to look like. I'm sure he was unrecognizable after that night," the doctor claims sadly and the teenager frowns.

"Don't think like that," Jimin advises and the corner of Seokjin's lips quirk up.

"I appreciate your concern, but I've thought about it one too many times already. It's not something I can just block out no matter how hard I try. It's always going to stay with me," the man explains and the teenager's nose scrunches as he peers down into his lap. He forgets he has a boner and looks up to meet Seokjin's cheeky grin.

"You should probably get rid of that before you go see Gguk," he advises strongly and Jimin blushes profusely, pulling a pillow over his lap in embarrassment.

"It just... happened. I can try to get rid of it but lately it's been extremely hard," he explains and realizes he's maybe said too much. "I'm only telling you this because you're a doctor... or something," he finishes up to save himself from anymore discomfiture.

Seokjin shakes his head. "That's fine. Do you maybe know why you haven't been able to get rid of it?" the man asks and Jimin covers his face with his hands, unable to divulge the real reasoning behind his untamed boner. Or at least what he believes to be the real reasoning.

"I don't think I can tell you," he replies honestly, finding it better to keep his dirty fantasies locked up inside of his very animated thought box. There's no way he can tell Seokjin he needs to be touched by Starling in order for it to go away.

"Okay, it's fine if you don't want my help. But Starling still wants to see you. And it's not okay for you to ignore an order. So either get rid of it of try to cover up," he suggests with a shrug of his shoulders, seemingly not as worried as he was only moments ago.

And Jimin thinks that perhaps Seokjin knows exactly what's going on and is only trying to embarrass him further. Yep, that has to be it.

"...Do you have a sweater I can wrap around my waist, maybe?" he asks sheepishly and the man titters, finally entering the bedroom. He digs in one of his drawers, pulling out a scarlet red hoodie.

"Take this," he says and holds it out.

Jimin takes it thankfully, immediately standing and wrapping it around his waist. He stands before the body length mirror, ignoring Seokjin's snickering as well as entertained gaze as he tries to situate it in the right place.

"I can still see it," the man says and Jimin lets out probably the loudest sigh he can manage, pulling on his hair.

"Please stop talking," he begs and sticks his tongue out in concentration as he shifts the soft material from side to side, sighing as he realizes it's going to no use. He leers at the man through their reflection in the mirror and Seokjin smiles.

"Jeongguk's no longer staying in the infirmary. Although he isn't in the greatest shape to walk, he's well enough to stay in his own bedroom," the doctor states and Jimin turns around, peering down at his failed attempt at hiding his boner.

"I give up," he states and walks out of the bedroom, trying to ignore Seokjin's hyena-like laughter as he walks through the halls, hoping he doesn't cross paths with anybody.

And thankfully, he doesn't. However he stands in front of Starling's door rather awkwardly, unable to enter seeing as his fingerprint isn't hooked up to the system - and for obvious reasons.

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