Chapter 30: Niall freaking Horan.

Comenzar desde el principio

"I think I shall speak." Liam raised his hand. We were all in tears. "El we miss you lots. Your babies are the best ever. They are named El and Leo for you. We love you. We brought them if you wanted to see them. At  least we hope you can." I lowered El and Louis had Leo in his hands.

I whispered, "I wish I had the relationship you and Louis had. I love you so much babe and miss you. I could tell you anything, absolutely anything from the time we were young kids to when I had to fight off all of the boys in grade school. You were basically one of my sisters. We all miss you... but we will see you again someday." I half smiled and stood up holding baby El in my arms.

"Enough of the sadness lads." Niall threw his arms around each others walking back to the cars.


I sat on my room at my art table, sketching a woodland area. Liam walked through the door, "Vas Happening Zayn?" I laughed and set down my pencil turning around.

"Vas Happening Liam?"

"Did you happen to notice the way Niall was acting around Andie today?"

"No why?"

"I uh think he likes her." I clenched my jaw. I let it go, "He's dating Chelsea don't be silly."

"Nope he broke up with her an hour ago."

Niall's POV

I let her go in the shop first. I watched her go in. I think she was impressed by the candy. This was the place to bring a girl you liked, definetly. I stood by the counter next to her. She looked right at me with her eyes glistening.

"That's really good stuff have you tried it?"

"No I have been here before... on a date but we had just grabbed a box of chocolates and tried them. I dont believe this one was in it."

"Could I have a bit of this please?"

"Oh hello Niall. Yes of course. Who is this little lady."

"Oh this is Andie. Andie this is Carol." I smiled introducing my favorite baker to Andie. "Andie I used to go here everyday that I could with my mum. Carol is a great friend of my moms and we would help her make her famous cakes, cupcakes, and treats. Best place on Earth right here."

"Aww thanks you Niall, this is a pretty girlfriend you have here. She looks like a keeper." Andie blushed.

"Thanks Carol but she isnt-" I started.

"I am not staying too long in England." Andie blurted smiling at Carol. When Carol turned to get a platter she mouthed, "Let it go"

"Aww that's terrible sweety. Are you staying with Niall and his friends?"

"Yes I am my Uncle is Mike Fransisco."

"Oh yes he is partnered with the same guy who signed Niall correct?"

"Yes he co-owns the company but is serving as a gaurdian type of person."

"That is really nice. Here you go honey." I made sure to take half of the piece she gave Andie and watched as her expression changed from hesitant to filled with joy.

"This is delicious!" she smiled. I laughed at her taking in her appearance. She wore a green tank top in late November, with skinny jeans and flat shoes. The tanktop just fit over her huge baby bump. (pic on side, she is not wearing the boots or satchel.)

"Yeah so Carol Andie is having twins in a couple weeks."

She directed towards me, "Oh that's fantastic, does your mum know?" I realized what she was meaning.

5 Guys, One Beautiful Prankster, One Direction.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora