concert night

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(This doesn't have prownowns in it either)

You were waiting waiting back stage for Gerard, frank, ray and Mikey to get off stage so you guys could go back to the tour bus.

Gerard came off stage but not what you thought for. You thought he just needed a drink or something but what you weren't expecting was him to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder.

"GERARD PUT ME DOWN NKNOW" you yelled but Gerard just ignored you.

He brout you onto the stage for a reason you did not know. He pic ted the mic back up and began singing kiss the ring. 

You were now paunding on his back to get him to put you down but it didnt work but what did work is when you hit his butt by axadent. Both of you stopped what you were doing and just kinda awkwardly stood there well he did you were still over his shoulder.

The croud was laughing cuz they seen what happened. Frank was laughing his ass off while ray and Mikey just stood there.

Gerard put you down and you went back stage and thought about what just happened. You have always had a crush on gee. You didnt know but Gerard also had a crush on you to thats why it effected him so much. He was planing to kiss you at the end of "kiss the ring" but that didnt happen cuz of what you did.

This is really bad sorry. Request please.

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