Chapter 9

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[Third Person-POV]

Roselle:Please just take me off the platform but don't make me suffer anymore!!

Roselle cried out in terror as Ize approached him

Ize:But what a coward you are,I just destroyed one of your wings,not that this fight has to be fair

Ize said with a smile on his face,he started charging a Death Beam on his finger as he got closer to Roselle,he started to back away every time Ize got close to him

Hyssop:ICE LANCE!!!


Ize watched as Hyssop fires from his mouth a large quantity of small ice spears against him, Ize just stood still taking the hit,Hyssop was surprised how nothing had happened to Ize


Ize:If you want to fight so badly then I will give you that opportunity,just let me take out the trash


Ize fired a Ki Blast at Roselle pulling him off the platform

Hyssop:How is it possible? you should have frozen!

Ize:Ohoho! but what a bad luck,you decided to fight the only person in the tournament who... absolute zero is nothing to him!

Ize charge against Hyssop by punching him in the face and then kicking him in the legs causing him to fall to the ground

Ize:But how easy it was to leave you helpless,this tournament is not worthy of...

Ize was wrapped in threads,at that moment he could see how a massive blast of explosive fire was heading towards him,he only released his energy freeing himself from the threads and dodging the attack

Ize:Really? a whole universe is going to fight me?

Ize said watching the remaining fighters from universe 9 get in front of him

Comfrey:We need to get this guy out fast before this turns into a nightmare

Ize:Nightmare?...if you want ii can give you that a nice nightmare right now! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

All the warriors were scared as Ize was transformed into his Last Form

Ize:But what happens? are you scared already don't worry,the nightmare will end soon

Ize raised his fist only to then open it creating a massive explosion around him causing everyone around him to back off

Ize moved with great speed hitting each one of the warriors taking almost all of them off the platform,the last one left standing was Chappil because he could withstand a little better Ize's attacks due to his iron body

Ize:Apparently there is only one left,well,it is better to give a message that I am not playing

Ize pointed his hand at Chappil with the intention of killing him

Gohan:Enough,Ize,you already showed that you are the strongest,don't do something stupid!

Ize turned to see Gohan

Ize:But who do we have here,you better get into your own business

Gohan:You know the rules,you don't have to kill or you will be disqualified

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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