Mini reunion

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3rd person pov

Everyone got into a fighting stance as they heard an unknown voice. But once Izuku and Lewis turned and realized who they were, they put their guard down.

??: "So am I gonna get a hug from a bad bitch or do I have to pay now?"

Izuku: "Well yeah, I mean I do have a pretty high price on my head so-"

??: "Damn I'm broke... do you take ass payment?"

Lewis: "Babe?!"

Jace: "Babe nothing, you were ready to ignore one simple request I had for you, so I don't have to listen to you for this, plus It's Izu!"

This shocked everyone that was watching. They were shocked by how Izuku's friend was dancing and how Izuku was dacing and cheering along. The 3rd- Years had heard a lot about him from the Big 3 on how sweet, kind, helpful, and determined he was.

All of 1A were watching in amazement while a couple were watching in frustration.

Mina: "So you could dance this whole time?! why didn't you dance for the school festival?!"

Izuku: "It's called not wanting to be an attention seeker, You wouldn't know about that right Uraraka?"

This made Aizawa choke on his on his coffee. A couple of students letting out their laugh, Some trying to hide their laughter, and an angry Uraraka and Mina. Aizawa had a coughing fit which made a couple of people worry if he was ok, he gave them a thumbs-up as a way to dismiss their worry.

Lewis and Jace were hurled over holding their stomachs before they got cut off by Izuku who swept them off their feet, he then turned to snipe and asked for a dart gun.

He faced the small patch of forest and shot at 3 different spots that were followed by 'shit!-' 'fuck!-' 'son of a bitch!-' Izuku smirked as he was satisfied with who he shot at.

Izuku: "You have 5 seconds to get your asses over here before I find you my self!"

Everyone heard a bunch of rustling before 3 unknown people showed up. Two females and a male, they all had their head down as if they were being scolded by a parent. Everyone slowly put their guard down as they came closer to Izuku.

?(1): "hey~"

?(2): "hey babe"

?(3): "what's up?"

Izuku rolled his eyes with a small smile and turned around to face everyone who had stopped what they were doing to see what all the commotion was about.

Izuku: "Everyone meet my team aka my best friends. You already met Lewis and Jace but this is Diana, Alya, and my boyfriend Damien."

Izuku pointed to each one as he introduced them. They all stayed quiet from shock and the fact that they didn't have anything to say. The amount of emotions that were in the air would make someone else's point of view the situation would look like someone just got betrayed.

Different people felt confusion, Anger, Disbelief, Stunned, Heartbroken, Etc. All the tension in the made the group wonder what was going on.

Aizawa: "Can we just go back into the building? I need more coffee...."

Snipe: "It appears as though this student has to explain a couple of things so we can postpone this activity until further notice."

Nezu: "Mr. Midoriya do you agree to answer our questions?"

Izuku pondered for a while before he answered.

Izuku: "To a certain extent, sure."

Nezu: "Understandable. Let's head off"

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