The part time job

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(Y/N)'s pov

We were divided into 2 groups. The first being me and Mugi the other being Mio, Yui and Ritsu. Mugi and i were sitting there counting cars, there was an awkward silence between us though. I decided to break the silence by asking a question.

(Y/N): Hey Mugi, what made you pick the keyboard?

Mugi: well when I heard mozart and Beethoven. I was so inspired. So what made you pick up the guitar?

(Y/N): Well when I was a little kid, maybe 6 my dad took me to a music store where i saw it. My guitar. I picked it up and the store employee ran over to take it away thinking that I wouldn't be careful with it. I told him I just thought it looked cool, so he started playing on it and I thought it was so cool that I begged my dad to buy it for me.

Mugi: Yeah thats cool so who would you say is your favorite guitarist?

(Y/N): Well I like Eddie Van Halen, Eric Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, and James Hetfield. And thats just a few that I like. I could honestly go on for hours about my favorite guitarists.

Mugi's eyes lit up

Mugi: Please do!

(Y/N): Gladly!

So we went on for hours about different guitarists that inspired me and different bands that I like.

Mugi's pov

Mugi's thoughts: I can't stop looking into his eyes. I have never had these feelings toward anyone before. He is just so nice and I can't help but want to be around him all of the time.

Before we knew it our shift was over, and it the others turn. We soon had lunch not long after.

No one's pov

Mugi and (Y/N) continue to talk more and more as they soon become close friends. While the other girls are jealous that they aren't talking to him. Yui pulled out the lunch that Ui made and they all ate.

(Y/N) and Ritsu: You have a younger sister?

Both of their thoughts: (imagines a smaller version of Yui.

Both: hmmm

(Y/N): Well, my thanks to the chef! This is some of the best food I have ever had!

Yui: Thanks! She will be glad to hear it!

(Time skip to the end of the day.)

Lady: Here is your paychecks. Thank you for all of you hard work!

All: *bow* thank you.

(Y/N)'s pov

(Y/N): Well this wont be enough even if we save up until the festival.

Mio: can't you ask your parents for another allowance?

Yui pauses for a moment

Yui: Yeah!

We give her the money but she gave it back to us.

Yui: Here keep it! I'll manage to make all of the money on my own. Consider this my thanks for helping me! Bye!

All: bye!

We see her walk off playing an air guitar acting ridiculous. We just watch her walk off.

All: Well see you guys later!

(Time skip to the music store)

Mio: We still don't have enough to buy it.

(Y/N): maybe I can reason with them to get a cheaper price. I go up to him with Mugi following.

(Y/N) Hey! 

Guy: Oh uhh hey uhm w-w-what can I help you with?

(Y/N): So can you lower the price on that guitar? You see my frie-

Guy: Y-yeah sure name any price.

(Y/N): Well thank you for your cooperation.

We change it to an affordable price.

Yui: Hey! How did it go?

(Y/N): Surprisingly well! I think I scared him with my looks.

All: figures.

(Time skip to after buying guitar)

Yui put on the strap.

Everyone: Wow! (They all clap)

Ritsu: Wow it looks like it was made for you!

(Y/N): Yeah looks pretty good! Now you just need to learn.

Yui play a few notes.

Yui: Thats just about all I know.

Everyone: *sigh*

(Y/N): Well no one starts good you have to build up.So (pulls out guitar chords book) here this is a D major.

Yui: Gah! English! 

Mio: Yeah Yui doesn't like English.

I look at her with a blank expression.

(Y/N): (grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her) How do you expect to learn guitar if you don't want to read english!?

Yui: Ok ok! I'll read english!

I teach Yui a few different chords. 

Yui: So how do I make it sound like at the concerts?

(Y/N): Oh you plug it into an amp. (Plugs it into amp) here that should work.

Yui: (Strums the guitar)

(Y/N): Yeah there you go! 

Yui: Ok thats cool! (Proceeds to pull out the chord from the amp)

Mio and (Y/N): No wait dont!


Every one covers their ears.

(Y/N): Your supposed to turn down the volume or turn it off before you unplug it!

Yui: Oh! Sorry... (laughs awkwardly)

End of chapter.

K-on Harem x male reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें