Chapter 13

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Ava's POV

These girls were crazy. They hadn't stopped talking since we left the café.
We were in their Mercedes at the moment. The brunette one was driving while the blonde one was laughing about the look on that bodyguard's face. I was sitting in the back seat wondering if they'll ever stop for a second and let me speak.

It's not happening anytime soon.

"Girls." They didn't hear me.

"GIRLS!" I said a little louder. Both of them turned around to look at me.

"Would you mind some introductions please and where are we going?"
They both rolled their eyes at me and  smiled at each other.

"I'm Veronica King, you can call me Nik", said the blonde one.

"I'm Vanessa King and we are going to our apartment", the brunette said focusing on the road.

"I'm Ava DeLuca." I said with a smile.

"DeLuca... Are you Italian?" Nik asked curiously. My smile dropped slightly.

"Yes. Both my parents were Italian." I replied.

"Wow, that is so awesome."

But fortunately, before she could ask further questions, the car stopped.

The girls lived in a very luxurious apartment. Everything was rich and elegant. They took me to their closet and I was shocked at the beauty of it.
It looked like they were princesses for whom the closet was stocked. They laughed at my expressions.
"It's just our Big Bro. He spoils us." Nessa said chuckling.

They are talking about Ryan.

I felt a tinge of sadness on hearing about their big brother. I have 5 but haven't seen them for years.
"Pick any outfit you like Ava." Nik said pushing me further into their closet.

"No, thank you but it's alright. You guys don't have to do this."

"Oh come on, let me choose one for you." Nessa walked away and came back with a sky blue jumpsuit.

"Oh perfect. This will fit you just fine." Nik said handing it to me.

"Alright! Fine!" I sighed defeatedly.

There's no winning against them.

I walked out into the living room after changing. Veronica was laying on sofa flipping through channels on TV. She looked towards me as I entered. Her eyes ran over me from head to toe.

"You. Are. Gorgeous. Isn't she, Ness?" She said glancing behind me at her twin. My face reddened at the compliment.
Vanessa came into living room with bowls of Mac & Cheese in her hands.

"No doubt. Absolutely gorgeous. We are so sorry about your latte. I guessed you must be hungry so I made Mac & Cheese."
My stomach growled at the sight of food and they both laughed. We sat on the sofa and started digging into our food.
Though they looked filthy rich, they behaved just like typical teenage girls.
We all clicked so instantly that it felt we had known each other for years. Both of them were 20 and in college. They had one more brother, Arlo King who was 23.

Ryan has a younger brother too.. hmm.. Interesting.

They shared a lot of things about their childhood and all the fun four siblings had. They talked about boys and college. I just sat their listening to their adventures. It was so fun hearing about all the crazy things they did in high school and college.
I never knew that kind of life since I was homeschooled. I never knew what's it like to have friends to have fun with. Go on dates and parties. But hearing their stories felt like so real and amazing. I wish I could live that life.

"By the way Ava, what was all the security about? Who are those people? And why do they keep following you?" Nessa asked.

"Who did you call back in the café?" Nik raised her brow at me. I sighed.

"They were Mr. Hunt's men. They follow me everywhere. And that's who I called."

"Mr. Hunt? Who's he?" Nik asked impatiently.

"Christopher Hunt. The Don of American Mafia."
Both of their jaws dropped and eyes widened. They shared a weird look between them. There was a long silence which made me nervous.

"What. The. Fuck." Nik stood up and started pacing around.

"We have so many questions for you! You are DeLuca. That means you are not related to that man. Then who are you? And how are you involved with him?" Nessa asked me.

"Something doesn't feel right Ava. You can trust us. Tell us what's going on?" Nik said.

What to do? Can I confide in them? Is it safe? I've met them for the first time today but for some unexplainable reasons, my gut says that I can trust them.

"I know you both have a lot to ask and I will tell you all of it. But you both need to promise me this will remain between us. He can't know that I've told you both."

"Yes, don't worry about that." Nessa said holding my hand.

But just as I was about to start.. My phone started to ring.

Mr. Hunt.

I gulped nervously and looked up at the girls apologetically.
I picked up the call.
"Yes, Mr. Hunt."

"Get back here from wherever the hell you are. Right Now! Wilson is waiting for you. Don't waste another minute. If I do not get Wilson's message in 5 minutes, you will regret. Do you understand?!" I jumped at his harsh tone.

"Yes, sir!" And he cut the call.
I looked up to see both the girls fuming with anger.

"Who the hell does he thinks he is?"

"That Bastard!"

"I am sorry girls. But I have to leave right away." I said in a hurry and started grabbing my things. They kept asking me questions but I was too worried to answer.

"I will answer all your questions. But not right now. Give me your cell"
Nik handed hers. I saved my number and gave it back.

"I will call you as soon as I get home. We will talk soon. Okay?"

"Okay." They both said simultaneously. They didn't sound convinced at all.

"It was a great pleasure meeting you both. Hope to see you soon."
Both of them gave me tight hug before saying goodbye.

Wilson was waiting with my car just like Mr. Hunt had said. He messaged Mr. Hunt as soon as I came into his view. Soon, we left Manhattan behind and were heading towards Long Island.

May it be for few hours. Atleast I could experience what life could have been if I had freedom.  

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