"Vanessa we- we're done. A-Austin and I. He fired me." I heard my voice crack as she did a double take from her bowl to my direction as she abrusptly dropped her spoon.

"What? What the fuck are you talking about Lee?"

I took in a deep breath, not entirely ready to explain the turn of events that occured the night before.

"After his performance, I saw him in the VIP section with Natalie on his lap. She was kissing his neck and I saw his hands on her hips. So I left, I had Jeremy drive me here. But Austin saw me and he rushed home to talk to me. I didn't exactly want to hear it from him and I stormed off. But then later on I went outside to watch the sun come up and he came out there too. Basicslly I said some really stupid things that I regret and I made the whole situation worse. He told me I shouldn't be working for him and I know we weren't really together but I think we broke up." The sharp pain in my chest ached as I wanted nothing more than to sob into Vanessa's arms, but I had to stay strong as I had cried more than enough throughout the night.

"Lee holy shit, c'mere." She wrapped me into a hug ad I took slow steady breaths, trying my best to control my emotions. "Lena he didn't mean it. He wouldn't fire you. He was probably just upset."

"I feel so lost. He told me he loved me V." Saying the words out loud were enough for me to nearly break down once again.

"What?!" She almost shouted, briefly letting go of me to look me in the eye.

I simply nodded at her as I swallowed hard, feeling unbelievably guilty about the entire situation.

"Vanessa this is all my fault. I fucked things up so bad and now he doesn't want me here. I wouldn't listen to him and now he wants nothing to do with me. I spent all morning packing my bags."

"Lena listen to me. Austin would never do anything to hurt you. You know that right? The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you. I've never seen him so infatuated, so in love. You have to fix things with him. You can't just leave." She pleaded as she stroked my hair with her hand.

"I have to fight for him." I mumbled under my breath, more to myself than to her.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked as I wiped my sore eyes with my sleeves.

"He's at rehearsal. He has that extra show tonight for Salt Lake City remember?"

I scoffed, lightening my mood as I let out a small chuckle. "I've been fired for 12 hours and I already lost track of his schedule."

Vanessa laughed, lightly pushing my arm as she let go of me.

"Go unpack your shit Lee. That man isn't letting you go anywhere and you know it."

I gave her a weak smile, hoping and praying that she was right about Austin.

I couldn't lose him. Not now. Not ever.


I arrived at the crowded venue about an hour before the show was to begin.

I looked around at the bustling fans surrounding me in awe at the turn out for such a last minute show that was only announced days ago.

I chuckled at what a huge effect Austin had on his fans and it always amazed me at how adored he was.

I took a small sip of my Bud Light as I made my way backstage and I couldn't help the nervous pit in my stomach as I knew I was about to see him for the first time since our encounter last night.

I tucked a loose curl behind my ear and opened the door marked Essential Personnel.

The room was filled with a majority of Austin's team, everyone drinking and play beer pong, wrapped in their conversations as my eyes searched the room for one man and one man only.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя