Josie's name remains unspoken between the two of them.

"She won't campaign against her sister," Natalie points out. If anything, Josie would be more involved in Lizzie's campaign than Lizzie would be.

"That's where we come in," Penelope tells her, "Due to your prestigious last name, people care about what you think. An endorsement from you would turn the election in Josie favor, just like that."

"So, let me get this straight. You want me to betray one of my best friends to help the other?" Natalie asks Penelope and the witch scoffs.

"We both know you favor Josie over Lizzie."

Natalie glances away from Penelope, "That doesn't mean I'm going to help you."

"You already are," Penelope says with a grin, "Unless you want Josie to learn about your little crush."

There are questions that sit on the tip of Natalie's tongue but there was no point in asking them. Penelope would never give her a straight answer and she honestly didn't even want to know how Penelope knew about her crush.

"Alright, I'm in," Natalie mutters.

Penelope smiles, "I knew you would be. Now run along, we have campaigning to do."

As she walked away, Natalie thought about how much she hated Penelope. It was just a fact of the universe. She had dealt with mean girls, but she didn't know how to deal with Penelope, not yet anyway, but she sure as hell was going to figure it out.

"Natalie Bennett," she turned to see two girls approaching her. They were younger but old enough that they'd be voting for a representative on the council.

"Natalie is fine," she told them, and the girls nodded their heads.

"Are you running for honor council, because we would love to vote for you," Witch A says eagerly.

"I mean you're like the most powerful witch in the whole school."

"Besides Hope Mikaelson."

"Yeah, but like she's a conglomerate so we don't really count her."

Natalie's eyebrows lift as she looks between the two witches who were speaking really fast and saying things that Natalie didn't exactly agree with, like her being the most powerful witch in school.

"I'm not running for honor council," Natalie tells them, "I kind of just got here so I'm still adjusting."

"Do you plan on endorsing anyone?" Witch B asks, "Because we really don't want to vote for Lizzie."

Natalie bites her lip, "I plan on voting for Josie."

"Josie? I didn't even know she was running."

Josie didn't even know that she was running, Natalie thought to herself, but that wasn't the point. The point was that Penelope was blackmailing her and she could not let Josie find out that she had a crush on her.

"She's not, but she's a perfect fit for the honor council. She cares about the witches, she's the one that's trying to get offensive magic taught at the school."

The witches' eyes light up, "Really?"

"Yep," Natalie says with a nod, "So tell your friend to vote for her."

"We will!" they exclaim before walking away and Natalie watches them strangely. They genuinely cared about her opinion and had wanted to vote for her. It was a curious thing, the power of a last name.

Natalie heads to her room, passing by Lizzie and Josie's on the way. Josie is standing in the doorway and spots her, a smile coming over her face immediately, "Nat!"

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