Chaper Seventeen
Waking up from my dark haze, I blinked trying to take in my surroundings. I was in....... My room? Ok that's weird, I'm sure I fell asleep outside, right? Before I could think about it any longer my door busted open. To my very ticked off dad. If this were a cartoon I swear steam would be coming out his ears and nose. I could see his veins popping out on his neck. It was a pretty funny sight to see actually.
"Whats got your panties in a twist?". I asked waving my hand in a twisting style just to prove my point. He growled in response and walked out.
"Well then." I muttered to myself.
After that strange encounter with my dad I went out for a run. Letting my wolf have a little fun and hunt. I caught a rabbit, but I couldn't bring myself to kill it. The darn thing was giving me the puppy dog eyes and was like 'Don't eat me! Don't eat me' so I let it go and walked away.
Coming to a small clearing, different smells filled my nose almost making me sneeze. ACHOO! Ugh see! I told you I had to sneeze! They smell was so strong it's like they were still there but I didn't see anyone. Taking in a big whiff, I realized I smelt other wolves.
I growled low in my throat an bared my teeth. Then I heard leaves russle and a twig snap. Raising my hackles, I laid my ears flat to my head and growled louder. Wolves emerged all around me and not just wolves, other sifters as well. Bears, horses, cheetahs, and even tigers. Oh god, if they're after me I am so dead. I growled again and one of the larger wolves stepped forward.
I looked at him, I also keep my hears open so I could her every thing around me. He was three times bigger than me, but I didn't back down, I wouldn't back down. Not without a fight.
He walked with authority, and grace. He was clearly and alpha. He looked over me, and I looked him in the eyes. You are never suppose to look an alpha in the eye... Ever. It like a challenge to them. He growled in warning, being smart I backed up a bit and lowered my eyes..... Just a little bit though. Shifting he eyed me with curiosity.
"Hello. I'm alpha Jacob." he said, I just snorted. I heard another animal move to my left and I snapped my head in their direction and growled. The smaller wolf stop immediately, look to it alpha then backed away. Turning my attention back to the alpha I backed off..... Just a little.
"Why don't you shift back and we talk." he said. I shifted back and let my vampire self take control now instead of my wolf.
"What do you want?" I asked and narrowed my eyes.
"We." he said and gestered around to all the shifters. "Want to help you."
"What do you mean? Help me with what?" I asked a bit confused.
"Help you fight." he said with a duh look.
"Crazy alpha say what now?!" I asked wide eyed. He looked at me like I was stupid then sighed.
"You really don't know?" he said looking at me. I just shook my head.
"Is it alright for my pack and the other shifters to come forward. They were looking forward to meet you.'" he said. I was hesitant at first.
"fine. But one wrong move and I go all she-wolf/vampire on your butt." I said and sat down.
Then all of the shifters shifted back to human form and walked towards me. There were even children. I even had a small child come and sit on my lap. When her mother came and told me how sorry she was I said it was fine and I asked her if I could keep holding her. She agreed and smiled.
"Well, the world now knows of your existence and some don't like it.". He began and I ran my hand through the little girl hair in a soothing motion and told him to continue.

Bleeding Tears
WerewolfMy names Ember I am a shifter (wolf). When I was six my father left me and my mom. At the age of nine my mother died and I was sent away to be a slave. I have nothing to live for or do I? I find out something I never knew about myself and my dir...