Chapter 3: Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo?

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All sorts of animals were sprawled out on the ground, some injured, some decapitated, some ablaze, and others with their heads sliced right open, blood pouring out onto the ground, brains displayed for everyone to see.

But worst of all, I wouldn't be able to apologise to the song thrush.


Because he was dead.

He had been torn in half, his digestive system spilling out in front of his corpse. Stomach acid was streaming out of him, quickly making his flesh deteriorate and revealing his severed lungs and literally broken heart.

One of his eyes lay a metre away and his beak had been forced open so much, his head had been destroyed. The bird seemed to be throwing up blood as it poured out of his mouth, staining the soil and turning it into a stinking mud.

He was lying there peacefully, feet near an inscription on the ground. It seemed to read "I. .u Sv /i.c", as the words seemed to have been trampled on, making interpretation almost impossible.

But I knew what had happened.

The Swift Slayer really was after us.

Lust for blood is the only guide,

To this creature, who lurks in its hide,

Pacing, waiting, preparing to strike

On innocent people and animals alike.

No one's POV:

Just then, a sound broke through the atmosphere. It was very quiet, but still there.


Lars, being the animal lover he is, followed the mewing until he reached the cliff. He looked down and saw a young black kitten with piercing green eyes dangling precariously off the edge using only one paw. Its claws had dug into the earth, but they were doing nothing to stop it from slipping.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." Lars whispered gently to it as he held out his hand. The kitten just scratched him with its free paw and snarled before resuming being terrified. Lars quickly retracted his hand, wincing in pain.

The ground started to come loose as it clawed at the cliffside, trying its best to keep holding on, but would not accept any help that came to it.

Not from Foz.

Not from Gail.

Not from any of the cadets.

All of a sudden, the ground it was holding caved in.

The cat screeched in fear as it started plummeting toward its doom, the ocean crashing against the shore, hoping to taste a morsel of its prey.

Until its fall stopped.

It looked up and saw a net surrounding it, the Academy mentor gripping tightly to it. The kitten's eyes suddenly thinned into predatory slits as it scrambled out of the net, darted across the pole and clawed Ubercorn in the face.

"A "thank you" might have been nicer," he muttered, rubbing his cheek where the kit scratched him as he watched the fuzzy ball on four legs disappear into the gathering of cadets that had followed him.

Xuli wasn't paying any attention to anything whatsoever. She'd stayed behind at the wreck of a forest clearing, eyeing the scene with blurred eyesight.

She curled up into a ball, leaned against a fallen tree and started sobbing quietly, trying but failing to restrain her tears. Sure, it would be traumatising if she lost a fellow Go Jetter. But Kyan?

She didn't think life was worth living anymore. It was too much to take.

But then, Xuli felt something rising within her. Overwhelming the sadness and confusion. Taking over her completely.

She started getting a weird feeling in her stomach, but then it rose up through her, making her shake ferociously and breathe harder.

Then, she stopped. She did still feel sad, but there was something that drowned out any other feelings.

Xuli got up and stared hard at the inscription on the ground. Pawprints had been scattered across it, making it completely illegible, but she didn't care.

She felt anew with determination. Anger. Fury.

Xuli no longer trembled.

She no longer wept.

Her tear-stained eyes were wiped clean of sorrow.

"Watch out, whoever you are..." she growled quietly "...I'm coming for you..."

Finally! After what seemed like an age, I have finally finished the chapter! I'm not sure why this one took longer though - but I am quite satisfied with it, if I say so myself. Probably because I haven't posted a chapter for at least a week.

Welp, I hope you enjoyed, and see ya in the next one!

-You know who it is. I don't have to write my name all the time.

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