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Following them into the room Maxon felt his heart constrict at seeing Red. If she woke up  and saw him would she tell him to fuck off or would she be glad to see him?

His breath was gone. The wonderful woman whom he'd treated so badly was lying in the bed in front of him. His heart wrenched as he looked at her paleness and saw the lines from a drip taped to her hand. The sheet covering her was propped up above the area of her stomach protecting her from the painful irritatiom of pressure.

He could see the lines that furrowed her brow as she slept and knew that her sleep was anything but peaceful. Whatever she was dreaming wasn't good.

Did she feel pain as she slept? Wasn't that the reason for the IV? To make her feel comfortable?  If she felt pain in her sleep then surely her waking pain would be horrendous? Did they give her enough medication to take away her pain? Was she just dreaming?

He heard the distant voices of Ben and the doctor talking about her weight loss and saddened in the knowledge that she was perfect before he hurt her.

Red wasn't a small girl but she wasn't big either. She was perfect. Too perfect for someone like him but he couldn't let her go. She was perfection and he was the fuckwit who tarnished her.

He found himself struggling to breathe as the brick in his throat expanded and he dropped to his haunches. Never once taking his eyes from her. Not game to blink as the salty liquid flowed down his face for fear of her disappearing.

What would she want? He wanted her. God how he wanted to go to her and hold her close as he whispered that he was sorry. As he told her what a fuck up he was for not trusting her. Would she believe him? He hoped with everything that she would when the time was right.

Red's life meant everything to him. Knowing that he could have been there for her and wasn't was a kick in the guts with a few punches thrown in. She lived on nothing but the help of those closest to her.

He took away every last bit of her dignity to exact his revenge. A revenge that stemmed from his inability to accept that someone so perfect would want to love him.

Childish ideas from experience that stayed with him through his adulthood that all women were incapable of being faithful.

She was.

He doubted that.

He was a fuck up. He'd lost the perfect woman and possibly his daughter because of teenage stupidity.

Oh god... his daughter... Claire Elisabet Price... why did she give Claire his last name? For what possible reason could she have done that?

He was now a father. Fuck that sounded awesome. It scared the fuck out of him while it excited him as well. It was something he always said he never wanted. When their sister Julia died and her son Harrison soon after the family fell into a deep depressive state and he made an emotional decision to ensure that he would never put a woman through the fear of rushing to a hospital to have his baby. In all the years since then he truly believed himself unable to have children.

Years of apparent false truth were gone as soon as she told him that he was the father of her unborn baby.

His breathing became gasps as he started to hyperventilate when he remembered he told her to have an abortion. To kill his child!

"Mr Price!"

All eyes were on him as the doctor rushed to him and started yelling instructions to the nurse in the room as they calmed him down and he was breathing normally once more and he was sitting in a chair near the door.

"Fuck Max. You really love her don't you?"

For the briefest of seconds Maxon's eyes met Ben's before returning to Red and he nodded slowly. Incapable of speech.


Soooo Pricelings... what do you think of Maxon now?

Maxon's Revenge -BK2 TPBS - Completed 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now