Phone Call

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3rd person pov

UA. A place where every child is told to strive towards to be a hero. Rumors go around saying that it's the best school to go to and no one says otherwise. Many say that majority of their ameneties exceed others and that you have an easy time there finding partners. Yeah no, not true. An example is Izuku Midoriya, many think he's weird but remember that there's more than meets the eye.

Izuku's pov.

I've been sitting on my bed for the past hour trying to think if I should leave the dorms. Everyone's been ignoring me, not that I care but it still hurts. By the way I'm talking about a class that doesn't know how to keep their nose out of people's business.

'The more I think about it the more my head hurts so I'm going out.'

I head downstairs after getting ready to go out to let Mr. Aizawa that I'm heading out and that I may or may not come back. He let me go and simply told me to text him if I wasn't heading back.

I got a facetime request from a friend and i answered as i walked down towards the common room, i told them to shush. The closer i got the more i could hear everyone talking.

Uraraka: "Hey is it just me, or has deku been too clingy lately?"


Tsu: "No, you're actually right, kerro."


The rest of 1a: "Yea.. "

Uraraka: "Don't you guys think it's about time we drop our little act? It's getting tiring trying to please him"


Kirishima: "I know right, it might just be the manly thing to do..."

Bakugou: "Remind me again why the fuck we're doing this?"

Jirou: "Because we made a bet to see if Deku can't do anything without us and that'll give us more of a reason to drop him whenever we want."

Mina: "Also, don't know if you guys noticed but Izuku has been leaving without telling anyone more recently, anyone know why?"

Momo: "Mmm nope, don't know anything and he hasn't sent anything in the groupchat, you Uraraka?"

Uraraka: "Nope, tried asking but he told me it was nothing"

Bakugou: "Probably doing some stupid shit"

'That's it? That's a lame excuse just say it straight to my face idiots'

Denki: "I gotta go."

Kirishima: "where dude? we're still talking about the bet, you're part of it too"

Denki: "No I'm not. All you're doing is talking shit and that's not cool. Call me a coward all you like but don't include me in this shit."

Sero: "Same here, ciao"

'So there is some salvation to this class'

I headed towards the door as i raised the volume on my phone.

?: "Yo that's fuckin wild, have you talked with them"

"I just found out with you! Its funny tho lol"

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