Movie Night

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When we reached home, Kendall and Benjamin were sitting on a couch watching T.V. with Ken's legs on Ben's lap. They are looking so cute together. On seeing us Kendall said, " Guys, you are so late. Dad was so worried. Where were you two?"

"We went to Aubri's house, " Zaden said.

"But you should inform us. Dad is very angry with you Zaden, " she said.

"Sorry, we would inform you next time, my sweet, pretty and caring sis, " Zaden said.

"Oh please, stop buttering me. The cost of butter is very high in the market and I can't save you from dad, " Ken said.

"Aubri, you are blushing on your right cheek?" Benjamin asked. Ken smacked him.

"Aubri, your right cheek is red. What happened?" Ken asked worriedly.

" I bumped into a locker." From the corner of my eyes, I saw Zaden clenching his jaw.

"Does it hurt?" This time it was Mike who said this coming into the living room. "Do you need an ice pack? Wait, Maria bring an ice pack for Aubri?" Maria is the maid of the house.

"Mike I'm okay, " I said.

"Shut up. Now come and sit here like a good girl," he said and pointed at the sofa.

I sat on it. Maria brought the ice pack and Mike took it from her. He pressed it on my cheek. "Your father had told me how clumsy you are. But I didn't believe it until now," he said. "And Zaden I'm sparing you this time."

"Thanks, Dad," he said.

"I know this is out of topic but bab...Kendall why did you hit me, " Benjamin said not uttering the word 'babe' when Mike looks at him.

"For being stupid," Kendall said.


"Who blushes on one cheek? Who the hell made you a medical student? Anyway, Zaden and Aubri today we will be having a movie night. So go and freshen up and come down as quickly as you can."

"As you wish, commander, " Zaden said. Mike handed me the ice pack and told me to press it on my cheek for some time.

"Aubri, are you free on Friday eve?" Zaden asked when I was about to enter my room.

"Yes but why ?"

"Kendall would say the reason," he said and went into his room.

I changed into some comfy clothes after a shower. I took the envelope out of my backpack and was about to open it when Zaden knocked and asked, " Aubri, are you ready to go downstairs?"

"Yes." I put the envelope inside a book and went downstairs with Zaden.

Pizza, chips and ice cream were laid out on the coffee table.

"Ok ladies and gentleman, take your seats, we are going to start the movie ' Just Wright'
soon," Mike said. We all took our seat except for Zaden and Mike. Benjamin and Kendall were sitting on a couch together and I was sitting on the loveseat.

"Where is Layla?" I asked when I didn't see her.

"She is having a sleepover in her friend's house, " ken said.

"So everyone attention, please," mike said while clapping his hand. "Benjamin, since the lights will be turned off, don't try to pull any stunt on my daughter."

"Ok, sir."

"Good, zaden turn off the lights." The lights were turned off and the movie started. Zaden came and sat beside me.

"Halfway in the movie, Mike paused it and said, " Aubri and zaden, tomorrow you have schools go and sleep. It's already very late."

"But dad, it's a movie night, right ?" Zaden asked.

"Of course, but not for you two. Now go," Mike said.

"Kendall..." Zaden said while making a sad face.

"Sorry bro, I can't do anything. Better listen to dad," Ken said. We stood up and went upstairs.

 We stood up and went upstairs

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