you_gota_fiend_in_me XD you are relatable, hilarious, and beautiful. I'm so proud to have adopted you as ma child, because you are talented and amazing and I love seeing the notification that you posted a message, because it's always good to hear from you. Thank you for all the smiles.

Tinyken27 ma newest child. You are chaotic and fun and I love every minute I spend talking to you. I know your mom doesn't accept you, and I just need to tell that she doesn't matter right now. If she can't accept the pure amazing-ness that is you, then she doesn't deserve you. Thank you for being yourself.

lunaeclispe22 because fuck, you're the one who inspired me to start writing fics again and if it wasn't for that, I never would have found all the amazing people here and never would have been able to be who I am today. Also you were the second person I ever followed. Thank you for the art that is your fics and the most beautiful ship that is REQD.

And to the rest of y'all, you are awesome, incredible people and I love talking to each and every one of you. However I underestimated how many people I've grown attached to and didn't give myself enough time to find, tag, and talk about how incredible you are all. So this is to the people I platonically love just as much as everyone else, I could spend hours talking about how awesome you all are:

Secluded_Sunflower I hope your animatic goes well!!, Second_C00kie I'm so glad I met you and adopted you, KermitOnABreadstick keep doing what you're doing ma child, That_One_Cool_Dad you're the coolest dad here, ash_rem_crispycake24 I'm so glad we met parent, Datlifebe here have some feelings because I'm so grateful I met you (also you adopted me, when did that happen?) <3, Madame_Qtip you're just a freaking amazing human being, PrinceAli2789 you make me smile a lot, queer_as_can_be you are super fun to be around and see in the comment section, CandiWolfe you own my Remile heart and I hope that makes you happy, ShriekyNoodleFlute11 never change you are awesome, Reeeeeeeee2468 you are amazing for reading this crappy book, NJ320A I love being email pals with you, apprenticelucy your comments make me laugh or cry and I love every second, Thesquirrellord we have been in some quality threads and also thank you x 10000 for making my profile picture, DBS170 I love talking with you, Kai_Is_Dumb you're just super cool, KayAwesoms I love seeing a notification with your name on it also your boyf riends fic is great, Angsty_Virgil you're awesome and I will always support you okay <3, Remus_trash15 forever grateful that you adopted me, and last but never least, UnSQUIPtedmusicals I love your musical tastes and just talking to you.

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