XV. ❝Lost, slut?❞

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"Yes, we are meeting outside of the Slytherin common room at 10, catch the train from Hogsmeade and Father will collect us all from the station, then Xaviers funeral and finally the wake, have you prepared our father and the dark lord for your news?" Bellatrix asks, glancing between Rosalyn and Evan.

"I sent an owl to my father, and our parents, Ev' did too, I'm sure they won't be impressed but I pressed on the matter that why should we save the Malfoy's? An alignment with a Black, nevermind a Riddle, stops the Malfoy's from falling from grace and brings them into one of the most powerful houses, the wealth, the power, the legacy and the respect they'll receive? Its ridiculous! The Malfoy's deserve to rot, we are aware of their afflictions against Grindwald who says that they won't do the same against my father?" Rosalyn scoffs, she glances lightly at Regulus, who gives her a small reassuring smile.

"They've been playing the role of the proudest, the most wealthy family for years and it's all a lie" Evan agrees, wrapping an arm around Rosalyn's shoulder,

"Exactly! So, why should I save the Malfoy's when I can make an alliance worth triple that of the Malfoy's, an alliance with a family that has wealth, has power, has respectability, a family who is respected by Pureblood Britain and adored by the public? Having a Black and Rosier alliance - it means that our legacy, our story, we have more strength and more power, why the in the hell would our families resist that alliance?" Rosalyn rants, running a hand through her dark curls.

"Baby, relax, if you explained it half as good as you did to us they'll be crazy to disagree!" Evan speaks, pressing a kiss against her head.

"We know our family, they think logically, politically, Rosalyn they will see this alliance between Black's and Rosier's as a perfect political stance! For Orion's running, for Xaviers funeral and spread in the Daily Prophet, your marriage will break the Pureblood world and bring it together all at the same time" Bellatrix smirks, taking a spoonful of cereal.

"This is really such an interesting conversation, first thing in the morning? Merlin, your marriage is gonna be truly exciting" Regulus laughs, glancing at his cousin.

"Piss off, Reg" Evan laughs, squeezing Rosalyn's knee teasingly.


By lunch, Rosalyn couldn't wait to get back into bed, her head hurt, her feet felt like they was about to fall off, and now she had to sit through a shitty presentation by Newt Scamander. 

The idea of meeting Newt Scamander made not only her blood boil, but her heart rest - he deceived Gellert Grindwald and assisted in taking him down, but he wasn't Gellert's son.

Maybe if she could get two minutes with him he could help her, offer her advice, how to save herself and Regulus, maybe even Evan, from The Dark Lord and his games. Her father.

"Deep in thought, cousin?" Sirius raises an eyebrow, pulling the brunette from her thoughts.

"Wondering how many blunts Xeno's smoked today" She jokes, pointing Sirius in the direction of Xenophilius Lovegood, who's staring into space, waving his hands around in front of his eyes.

"Imagine being that carefree, not have to stress about being forced into a marriage at seventeen" Sirius laughs, nudging his cousin slightly.

"Oh us Black's can wish" Rosalyn adds, looping her arm through Sirius'.

"Alright boys?" Sirius asks, as Remus, James and Peter approach the cousins.

"Just had to drag this twat from whacking Mathias Flint, but apart from that yes" Remus rolls his eyes, elbowing James.

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