i have a bad feeling about this

Start from the beginning

"Louis? You saw him?" Zayn cups his face. "What did he say? Did he do something to you? Are you okay? I can go—"

"I'm fine." Niall glares at him. "He went to apologize and he also surprised me with a house. And why didn't you tell Louis you were staying with Liam? Do you know how bad that looks? And the hurt in his eyes when I told him you weren't staying with me was just hard to see."

"Wait, a house? What do you mean he surprised you with a house?" He removes his hands from Niall's cheeks and takes a step back to give him some space. He ignores the pang of hurt when he thinks about Louis' sad eyes.

"He gave me the house he and Harry flipped. I haven't accepted it yet though, I mean, I do have the keys but I don't think I can take it. They worked so hard and I don't know," He slowly rubs his bump. "You should talk to him, Zayn."

"Yeah, I know." Zayn was filled with pride hearing Louis had apologized and had done such a kind thing. "I do miss him."

"I'm sure he misses you as well." Niall gives him a smile. "I could tell by the way he—"


"Roger! Nice to see you, mate." Zayn pats his back harshly. "What are you doing here?"

"Came to drop this off." Roger smiles cheekily at Niall, he hands him a brown paper bag.

"What is this— Wait, is this..." Niall peeks inside the bag letting out a gasp. "Churros!"

"Yeah, freshly made as well." He chuckles at his excitement.

"I've been craving a churro in so long!" He was quick to take a bite.

"I know, you mentioned it like thirty times last night." Roger smirks laughing at his blush. "It was cute."

"Harry knows how to make them, even chocolate filled ones." Zayn didn't mean to bring Harry up in front of Roger but he wanted him to remember there was someone else in Niall's life besides him.

"Chocolate filled ones?" Niall widens his eyes, his mouth watering at the sound of that.

"Yeah, he used to be a baker. I'm sure he'd love to bake any pastry you fancy." He wiggles his brows at him.

"I'd love that." He licks the sugar from his lips.

"Did you like it?" Roger clears his throat.

"Fuck yes." Niall pulls the blond in for a tight hug. "Thank you, Rog."

"No problem love." He tilts his head up and presses a kiss to the corner of his lips. "I should leave." He whispers quietly.

"Yeah, I have to go back to work." He looks into his blue eyes and blushes. "Thanks again."

"Hope baby enjoyed that." Roger places his large hand on Niall's stomach. "Bye now."

"Bye." Niall looks down at his trainers until he walks away, he finally glances up and sees Zayn with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing." Zayn breathes out.


"Here's some tea, baby."

"Thank you." Harry gives his mum the best smile he could muster.

"Please tell me what's going on, hun." Anne was delighted to see Harry on her doorstep but after a few days of him staying over, she noticed something was wrong. He wasn't the same cheeky son she knows.

Harry wants to lie to her and tell her nothing was going on but truth is, he really needed someone to talk to. "Mum," He shuts his eyes as he took a few deep breaths, once he was calmer he opens his eyes and looks at her. "You're going to be a grandmother."

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