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"goodbye! please be safe on your way home mister geun!" yelled the girl with brown hair. "same as you dear!" replied mister geun. oh, how the townsfolk love her for her kindness and beauty. zoey hyun, a girl with a dream to become a pastry chef.

zoey lives in  jeju-do, the largest island in south korea. the island is famous for it's beautiful beaches and parks. not to mention, they're also quite known for their teddy bear museum, to which our dear zoey also adores.

"i wonder how's chloe day today." she asked herself, while feeding seeds to the birds. she sat peacefully on the bench with birds gathering near her. from that sight, she almost looks like the embodiment of calmness.

a buzz was heard from her phone which scared most of the birds away. "oh! sorry about that, please forgive me." she said to the birds that flew. "will they still accept my bird seeds tomorrow?" she said with a pout. "..i hope so."

while excusing herself from the remaining birds, she takes out her phone and read the text that she recieved. it was from her friend, chloe.

|| chloo💫 :
|| zOEYY!!!
|| letgo grab sum LATTEE! ☕☕
|| also some macaroons bc im hungryy..
|| maybe some cake too...

her friend's message made her smile. "her shift must be done." she waved goodbye to the birds and left them with the remaining seeds from her pocket. silly girl, too innocent for this world

after the seven minute walk from the park, zoey finally reached the cafe that her and chloe always visit. she scanned the room for her friend only to be poke from the back.
"guess you didn't expect that entrance." chloe said in a friendly tone.

chloe's little banter made them both laughed, but not that loud that the whole cafe can hear them. they're not that noisy. after their little commotion, they both odered their drinks and chloe's macaroons and cake roll.

"i swear zoe-zoe, this earl gray cream is so delish!! im falling for it all over again!!" chloe says as she stuff her mouth with the cake roll, clearly happy she got to taste it again. "gosh, im eating too much nowadays." she added with a sigh. "it's okay, you still look lovely." zoey reassured her friend with a smile.

"zoe-zoe, you sweet heart..!" she said almost tearing up as she took a sip from her latte. "it's the truth..!" zoey replied while chuckling lightly. the two talk about how their day has been. chloe talking about how cute miso is and zoey talking about pastry. oh, by the way, miso is chloe's dog, a toy poodle.

an hour later and it's now 4 pm. time to go home and rest. "how's mrs.myeong?"zoey asked her friend. mrs.myeong is chloe's mother. "ahh. she told me she misses you." she said with smug look on her face. "you should come by often, and have some tea with us." she offered her friend.

"it's been a while since you visited." zoey nodded to her friend's words. their houses used to be close when they were children but unfortunately, chloe's family moved their houses close to her father's work place.

"ofcourse, i'll stop by." she playfully nudges her friend's side with a slight grin. "i wanna see miso again too!" she added. their houses are quite far from the cafe only that chloe's house's a bit closer to it.

their walk was filled with their chatter and laughter but after a few turns, they separated ways. "ba-bye zoe-zoe!!" , "bye-bye chlo!"


a sigh escaped from the prince's lips while his desk is littered with paperwork, he stares at the tablet next to him with tired eyes. screens hovering near his desk that is always filled with duties he needs to accomplish.

"..tired." he said softly to himself. being a prince in space is not always filled with glory and laying around the place, you have almost no time doing those things for you have a kingdom to rule.

he finishes his last assignment and quickly organized the remaining work he needs to fill up later on. for now, he needs to gather the men needed for hunting down the exchange of 'star-dust' that is happening in his kingdom.

he stood up and walked up to one of the big screens to his left. "tsk. they never seem to give up selling those things." his fingers danced on the screen, as he assign his agents their assignments. "disgusting." he added.

he shuts down the screen after they discussed what proceedures they'll have to take in finding out who the culprit is. he rubbed the bridge of his nose, clearly exhausted.

the doors of his office suddenly opened. like those sliding doors on earth. this caught the attention of the prince who's now facing towards it and the person standing by it.

"you're still here?" her eyes then landed on his desk. an airy sigh was heard from the queen. "apollo, dear, you should've been resting.." she said, walking up to her son.

"im fine, mother." , "no, you're not." she answered quickly, calmness present in her words. "your sister's asleep and you should too." she grabbed her son by the arm and leads him away from his office.

"how did it not gave me any notification of you entering my office?" too tired to even show emotions. "i like my pressence to be a surprise." she smiled warmly to him. "it turns out, i was right. you're still there, working tirelessly."

as they were walking down the hallway, the queen had an idea. "apollo," she called her son. "why won't you take a short break?" apollo then stopped walking, facing his mother fully. "i can't, i have work to finish."

worried for her child, she pressed the idea. "i'll handle it, now go on. get some sleep." but when the prince's about to object, they've already reached his room. the queen then faced the prince before heading to her quarters."take a break.."


•star-dust ⇢ a drug that can make an individual hallucinate. after dosage, headache will be present.

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