Chapter 35: Can't Run Away

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"Hey babe, wake up." I wake up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. "We're here."

I sit up and look around. I'm in the passenger seat of Dolph's car, and we're in a hotel parking lot.

"Where is 'here' again?"

"In Ottawa, for Smackdown." He opens his door and steps out, then comes around and opens my door. He helps me step out.

He goes to get our suitcases out of the trunk. "How did I get in the car? Why am I even here, I have the night off Friday."

"Well after the locker room incident, you fell asleep in my arms. I took you to the car, and went back to grab mine's and your's stuff. I checked us out of the hotel in Toronto, and drove us here. And just because you're off doesn't mean you can't come with me."

He closes the trunk, and with suitcases in his right hand, comes and grabs my right hand with his left. He starts pulling me towards the hotel entrance, "You're rooming with me."

I continue to let him drag me, trying to forget about what had happened earlier. "So what am I supposed to do until the pay-per-view again?"

He opens the door for me, then heads towards the check-in/out counter. "Well, not sulk around for sure." He turns around to the girl at the front desk, "Room for Ziggler."

"Yes sir, here's your card key. Room 321. Sixth floor."

"Thank you." He drops the suitcases in the process of heading to the elevator. Smooth, Dolph.

"Sir, we will get someone to bring those up to you." He nods and thanks the lady, before intertwining our hands together.

"You know what you need?" He asks as he pushes the up button.

I shrug, and lay my head on his shoulder. "A drink. Or two. Three couldn't hurt."

"No, no more drinking. You need a vacation."

"I can't take a vacation, Dolph I," he cuts me off.

"Leave it to me, I'll handle it."

The elevator doors ding open. And we step in. We're the only ones in here.

Dolph pushes the 6th floor, and the doors begin to close. I hear someone yell, "Hold the elevator."

Dolph sticks his foot in the elevator door, to stop it from closing. It opens again to reveal Randy.

Of course he would be at this hotel.

His eyes widen, as he looks between me and Dolph. I turn away, and nuzzle my head into Dolph's shoulder, as Dolph speaks to Randy. "If you're going up, can you step inside. You're letting in a draft."

I hear him shuffle in. "Sixth, please."

"Already pushed. We're heading up there." I feel the elevator move as we go up the floors.

"So how was Raw?" Dolph asks Randy. I elbow him in the ribs. "I mean, unless you'd rather not talk about it. I understand."

Randy takes a deep breath, then the elevator doors ding open. I break away from Dolph, and grab the card key, heading to our room.

"Randi!" I dash down to 321, as Randy yells my name. I swipe the key, and push open the door, slamming it behind me.

I hear a knock on the door, "Randi, please." I don't answer him, instead I fall back against the door.

"Randy, man. I don't think she's going to open the door."

Randy speaks to Dolph as if the door is sound proof. "Could you talk to her, for me man. You seem to be the only one that can get through to her. I'm trying Dolph, I really am, but she just doesn't trust me."

It's quiet for a moment, before Dolph speaks again. "I'm sorry, man. That's something she'll do when she's ready. I know it's a two way street, but for now, just trust her."

Randy doesn't say anything, but a minute later, there's a knock at the door. "Babe, it's me."

I stand up and open the door for him. "Is he gone?"

He nods. He comes in with our suitcases, and closes the door. "Yes, but can't avoid him forever. You should tell him, why you only trust this fine specimen of a man." He says referring to himself.

I give him a half-hearted smile, but then turn it into a whine, "Do I have to?"

Dolph sighs and grabs his hands in mine, "Is your name Randi Deanna Jacobs?"

I nod.

"Are you the Diva's Champion?"

I nod again.

"Then yes, you have to tell him."

I take my hands out of his grip, and head to the bed. I fall onto it face first.

I feel the bed sink down beside me, and Dolph's hand on my back. He rubs it in circular motions, "I know why you wouldn't want to tell him or want to date him." He lets out a small laugh, "Dating hasn't quite worked out in our favor the past years, has it?"

I rollover on my back, and sit up. I look at him. "Dolph. People don't change."

He smiles at me, "You did, maybe Randy has, you just have to give him a chance. But whatever you want to do, I support you."

I smile at him, "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me." He pushes my hair behind my ears. "Some people will change, and some won't, but one thing that will always remain constant is me and you. I made a promise to you, and I will never break it. Come here."

He pulls me into a hug. "Go take your shower, then come back and sleep, and then, you and me will have a week that'll make you forget tonight. Then, you can kick some Shield ass on Sunday. How does that sound?"

I pull away laughing, "That sounds amazing." I grab clothes out of my suitcase to put on after I shower.

"Alright," he claps his hands. "Get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow...our vacation officially begins."

By Any Other Name: A Randy Orton Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now