“L-Lucifer!” Alex exclaimed. “N-No! You’re not supposed to be here!”

         “...Shouldn’t we try something...A little safer before the spells?” The conversation continued but Alex couldn’t pay attention.

         “Y-You’re not real!” Alex practically yelled.

         “Oh, I’m real.” Lucifer walked to stand in front of Alex. “Thanks to my little bro.” He smirked. “Oh, here he is now.” He looked to Gabriel who had entered the room, having heard Alex’s screams.

         “Alex, hey. Are you okay?” Gabriel stood right in front of her, looking down at her worriedly.

         “W-What…?” Alex began to remember what happened before she blacked out. “Where’d you take me?!”

         “Looks like a psychic’s house to me.” Lucifer answered, walking around the living room, looking at everything.

         “Psychic.” Gabriel replied, not hearing or seeing Lucifer. “Her name’s Jamie.”

         Jamie entered the room and smiled a little at Alex, “Hey.”

         “Ooh, she’s hot.” Lucifer commented, checking out the young psychic.

         “S-Shut up.” Alex hissed at him.

         “What?” Gabriel looked behind him to where Alex was looking, but saw nothing. “Who are you talking to?”

         Jamie frowned a bit, She’s far more broken than I thought….She glanced worriedly at Gabriel. It’s going to take a lot to fix her….

         “What do you mean? Y-You can’t see him…?” Alex’s and Gabriel’s eyes met.

         “No….Who?” Gabriel spoke slowly.

         “Lucifer! He’s right there!”

         “Yeah, I’m right here little bro. Long time no see.” Lucifer leaned against a large bookcase filled with books on spirits and other books of the same type.

         “Lucifer? You’re seeing Lucifer?” Gabriel looked around the living room again, just in case.

       “Gabriel, we should start.” Jamie spoke up. She was more calm now, and understood everything that was going on- mostly. She realized now, that it didn’t matter that they weren't human. They still had emotions, just like everyone else. This was mostly directed at Gabriel, she could see how worried he was about Alex, but it didn’t take a psychic to know that.

         Jamie could also see that beneath all the confusion and worry from Gabriel, he was angry and upset. She could tell that even if he knew it wasn’t really Alex talking when they fought, it still hurt him, but she didn’t understand how he was keeping himself together.

         And Alex, Jamie didn’t know where to start with her. At the moment, she was broken and confused, seeing things that weren’t there. She looked small and frail, like if someone were to touch her she’d break. Jamie stood back as Gabriel began trying to burn the seal off of Alex.

         An inhuman scream came from Alex the second Gabriel started, Jamie gasped and jumped back. “G-Gabriel, is she okay?!”

         Alex’s eyes turned dark red and she growled at Gabriel, “Fuck off, angel.”

         “Oooh, scary.” Lucifer smiled, watching everything from afar.

         “You too, douchebag.” Alex glared at Lucifer.

         Gabriel removed his hand and took a few steps back, “Alex, he’s not real.”

         Alex glanced between Gabriel and Lucifer. “I-I…”

         Alex? What the hell! Get back here now! Alex closed her eyes in pain as Dan’s voice screamed loudly in her head.

         "N-No!” She began to struggle against the ropes.

         “Alex, Alex calm down.” Gabriel attempted to calm her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

         “No!” Alex growled, her eyes turning red again. “Get away from me!” Gabriel backed up again.

       “Hm…” Lucifer watched, he seemed very interested in the way Alex’s personality kept changing.

         Meanwhile, Jamie stood back in horror. She had always heard of demons, but she’d never seen one, and had hoped she never had to. “What’s happening?!”

         “I don’t know.” Gabriel admitted.

      “Clearly she’s dying,” Lucifer said matter-of-factly. “With everything that’s happening in her head? I’m surprised she has lasted this long.”

         Alex struggled more, but found all of her energy disappear. She could feel Dan trying to take control again, and it took every ounce of strength, including her new demon strength, to hold him back. “N-N-No….” She panted, hanging her head, her hair falling into her face.

         “We’re going to have to do that spell.” Gabriel decided.


Author's Note-

So I'm going over a friends for New Years and I won't have my laptop with me so I decided I'd upload another chapter now, cause I might not be around to tomorrow. 

Crowley's Daughter 2: Demon (Supernatural Fanfiction~)Where stories live. Discover now