Chapter 16 ✔️

Start from the beginning

" Em." I sob as I reach her.

Her eyes immediately bulges as she notices my tear stricken face. She leaves Ashton and Twinkle behind as she completely focuses on me.

" What happened?" she asks as she pulls me into a tight hug.

" I-I lost my diary." I sob onto her shoulder.

Please buy my lame excuse.

" Oh Ally. I'm so sorry. When was the last time you used it?" she asks as she rubs my back.

Shit. I still need to get Ashton's attention before Tyler makes a run for it.

" I can't remeber. Ashton I-I just need a group hug." I continue on sobbing.

Even I won't believe the shit that's coming out of my mouth. Luckily for me, Emily isn't the brightest and she seems to believe me. Ashton hesitantly walks over and Emily pulls him into the hug as well. Hopefully Tyler sees how uncomfortable I am about all of this and does his part of the game plan quickly.

I continue to sob into the group hug. Everything seems to go as plan until Twinkle barks. Emily stiffens as she turns around and catches Tyler running after the dog and trying to catch it.


He had one job. One.

I see as Emily's face comes to realization of what I was trying to do.

" Twinkle!" Emily yells and before she can sprint off after Tyler I tackle her into the grass.

" Get the dog Ashton!" she yells as she tries to wriggle out of my grip.

Ashton makes a bee line in Tyler's direction.

" Watch out Tyler!" I yell. Tyler looks up and notices that Ashton is hot on his tail.

" Why are you doing this?!" Emily yells from underneath me.

I struggle to keep her in place. Damn this girl has muscles.

" It's for you own good!" I yell back.

Emily starts sobbing. I don't realize that my grip has loosend and in a matter of seconds she's out of my grip.

" No!" I yell as I leap forward and get a steady grip on her ankle. Emily falls down onto the grass again and I manage to get on top of her.

I now realize the amount of attention we are receiving. It's not everyday you see a group of 4 college students fighting to catch a dog.

" You bitch!" Emily yells. I feel a tantrum coming my way.

I look up just in time to see Tyler managing to catch Twinkle in his arms. He looks unsure of what to do next but when he sees Ashton sprinting after him he makes a bee line for the parking lot.

I should probably follow.

Releasing Emily I jump up and sprint for the parking lot. I manage to pass numerous people. I purposely bump into Ashton making him lose his balance and fall. It gave me a decent head start to rush over to Tyler's car. I pray to God he has his keys.

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