Seeing as how Rullus never introduced himself to Mathias, Gyana was forced to withhold giving the men in Giles' family line magic. No man, since Mathias was conceived, has practiced magic from their blood line. Even when Esmerelda was conceived Gyana had her reservations about giving her magic. She felt what powers Esmerelda could have while she was in the womb, and Gyana was terrified of what would happen if Esmerelda got magic.

It had been Giles to remind Gyana that Rullus intended to leave the diamond to a boy. And then, Esmerelda mixed the species again. Fear gripped all three of us when Cauis claimed her, and we did what we thought was best.

We turned our back on her. At least, that's what we were supposed to do. Giles and Gyana were adamant that Esmerelda was on her own, but I couldn't abandon her. She simply fell in love, and when she cast the Guild Leader spell, I knew she wasn't the harbinger of death like Gyana feared. Esmerelda has always been pure and forthright, and her choice in who she spent her life with spoke volumes to us.

Esmerelda made it her mission to right her own wrong; and as the three of us watched as Esmerelda, Cauis and Septimus give up everything, I knew if Esmerelda and Cauis ever had a son that he would not be in danger of using black magic. So when Esmerelda did eventually get pregnant, it was me who convinced Gyana to give Valerio powers.

It took many heated arguments, but after what Esmerelda did, I just didn't see how it was possible for her child to start practicing such darkness. Seeing as how only Gyana can gift an unborn child with magic, it was ultimately her choice. And, again, it had been Giles to end our arguing. If Valerio did turn out to be who Rullus left his diamond to, then we would finally be able to end all the madness.

Since Valerio became such a well rounded individual at such a young age, when Esmerelda got pregnant a third time, this time with another boy, Gyana didn't hesitate to give him powers. We all felt Esmerelda and Cauis raised their children with kindness and decency.

But of course we had been wrong. We had put too much faith in Cauis and Esmerelda as parents, and while it's not their fault their youngest turned out to be worse than Rullus, it is the Fates' fault. Separately, the three of us aren't as powerful as one would assume, but when Gyana, Giles and I work together, we are virtually unstoppable.

Out of all three of Esmerelda and Cauis' children, Aemilia has always fascinated me the most. She has always been most like me; willing and able to prevent a catastrophe. It was her who made it possible for Esmerelda and Cauis to win their war against the vampires. Her gift to see so many futures has always been powerful, made even more powerful with her mating.

In the weeks since she completed her mating, Giles and I had been watching her closely. The two of us have seen her struggle, and now that she is unconscious from bringing Valerio out of his prison world The Warlock put him in, Giles fears she has become too powerful. As the Fate of Strength and Power, only Giles can determine that. Personally, I don't think Aemilia has, but it's not my call. It's Giles' duty to make sure no witch or warlock becomes too powerful, and now that Aemilia is able to unlock her true powers, Giles feels it's time to take it away.

"We have a small window of time," Giles tells me and Gyana as he takes us into the mortal realm.

"But she is fighting against The Warlock," I point out once we get our footing.

"For now she is," Giles retorts as we approach the still unconscious Aemilia on the floor, "but there is no way in telling how her true powers will affect her."

"I don't agree with this," Gyana contributes. "She is one of the only people who will be able to stop The Warlock for good. Why take away her ability to see into the future? How does that help us?"

Out of the Darkness~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now