Letter 3

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My dear friend Jungkook

Im still here with you

It was lunch time  i sat alone in the table trying to eat my food. I saw someone sit next to me .

Me: ....

I just got up . Without even looking at him or her

??? : Wait Yui

It was Taehyung jungkook's friend

Me: what ?

Taehyung: what you said that day......i know what you meant....

Me: Jungkook isn't well . Have you seen it .

I just walk away letting him in the chair alone eating his food .

I heard Taehyung saying something to Jungkook who just sat with him

Taehyung: she's awkward .

Jungkook: who ?

Taehyung: Yui don't you know her ?

Jungkook: never heard  why is she awkward ?

Taehyung: she keeps saying to help you cuz your hurt .

JungKook just nod saying 'o'

That day i realized that we couldn't be friends .

I went to my class .

A girl punched  made me fall in the floor . All the classmates were watching us .

??? : Don't tryto get closer to Taehyung oppa you bitch

Me: Lisa really your hurting me for a boy

Lisa: shut up i said don't get close to him . His mine and only mine

All the students gathered watching . She punched me once twice . And then Lisa pushed me to the wall .

The corner of my mouth was bleeding. It was hard to breathe .

Me: I don't fucking care about him . There he is ask him tell him . Why should i get hurt for a boy I don't even know .

I shout out as Taehyung and Jungkook just came .

Taehyung: Yui are u okay ?

Me: ask her not me.

I left . Somehow i regret from yelling . For letting everything out .

Jungkook are you reding this . Well you said it your self ' never heard ' cuz im no one at last there are people here who know that you exist .

At last ......


Taehyung: wait Yui .

Me: don't go after me stay with your friend . He needs you more now than ever .

I had a feeling this would happend one day  and it did .

He left and i sat on a bench at a park near my house .

Jungkook: Yui right ?  Sometimes when i look at you i see myself

Me: so you finally talked first to me .

Jungkook : i just felt like it . Anyway im going come to school when you get better .

Me: i hope you can get better soon

Did you even get ? Are you better now in the end ? Are you happy ? Why don't you answer?

Jungkook  i miss you

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