Letter : 1

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Dear Jungkook

You don't remember dont you ! I do ,that day one year ago . It was the first time i heard you voice .

With these letters i want to show everyone what actually happend to the sunshine . To the guy who spoke once in a while .

It started in May .


I was walking to school . Like always i saw you standing Infront of a big old tree . Always there just looking at it .

I took the courage and came a step closer .

Me:this tree means a lot to you doesn't it ?

You just looked at me  with the bunny face and sigh .

JungKook: she is the only one who understands me .

I smiled to cheer you up but it didn't work still you saw the tree for the last time and then quickly left me behind going to class .

You did have friends but non of them saw this part of you . ...

After school i looked at you being bullied by some guys . I wanted to help you......


I was just a idiot for not coming to help as much as i could .  I couldn't believe how you lived you life . How you could hold your tears and kept silence .

Jungkook ssi  i saw you everyday . But talked to you only a few times . I cryed my eyes out after i saw you that day .... My heart sank and i didn't know what to do next .

From me


Hi i said i will write another book and here it is .i still don't know how to end it . Like a good or bad.  Really idk .

I really enjoyed writing the first page .

I made this book myself maybe there are some books the same but i  didn't steal the others work  .

Im really curious what happend to Jungkook did he leave the school or he moved away .?.

Let's find out 😁😁

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