"I don't believe you."

"I tried to protect you." Fiona just looked away completely unconvinced as Roman just scoffed. "You don't believe me?"

"You killed me Romulus."

"I AM NOT ROMULUS!" Her eyes narrowed as Roman growled viciously. "My name is Roman. I'm not him. Not anymore. NEVER AGAIN. Never... I'm sorry." He cried out as this massive shock burned through him as Fiona just chuckled. Images upon images of everything that Roman had done swirled about his brain, opening the floodgates. He screamed as Fiona stalked over to him.

"You really shouldn't apologize if you don't mean it."

"I-I'm s-sorry." Her eyes only darkened as Roman stuttered through his cries of pain. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Stop!" Roman's body felt like ice as the world went so entirely silent there was a ringing in his ears. "You're pathetic you know that. So many lives you've completely destroyed just for fun. You enjoyed it."

"I... I don't..." Roman panted as Fiona forced him to look right into her cold lifeless eyes. "Not anymore."

"Not anymore? What about that boy you've... inhabited." Roman flared as he grabbed her wrist making her eyes go wide. "You have some guilt about that, don't you? Why don't we drive it home, huh?" Roman cried as his hands went to his hair, gripping it harshly as he literally felt his body break. His tears turned dark like blood as he just whined and whimpered, flinched at every vision that passed him.

"It's your fault he died too."

"No. No. He... He chose this. He..." Fiona roughly yanked him up gripping his arms tightly as Roman just froze up. "I didn't..."

"You could have stopped it. You had the power to save him. You let him die."

"That wasn't the deal." Fiona smirked as Roman seemed to lose himself totally to the flashbacks. "That wasn't the deal. I... He didn't want to be saved."

"So you just stayed there and watched him die for what... his body?" Roman flinched as he literally felt his heart shatter. He didn't understand. What was happening to him? What was this feeling? He didn't like it. "YOU KILLED HIM! JUST AS YOU KILLED ME!"

"I didn't kill you." Roman whined as he finally just broke. His eyes dazed out as the world went cold on him. "I didn't kill you. I lost control and forgot about the bond but I did not kill you. The hunters did. I didn't want it. I didn't want you to die. Fiona... You the first person that ever got me to open my eyes. I never..." 

"You killed me, Roman." And that was it. Roman lost all his words as Fiona let him fall back to the ground unable to even support himself. "You killed me. You killed that boy. He was so young. You could've have helped him. You praise him for being a fighter. Saying that the angels would love having someone as strong as he is up there. But you fail to remember you let him die. It's your fault he's even there. You think you've changed... You think demons like you actually can? Romulus... you will always be a demon! It doesn't matter what you want. Or how desperately you wish for that to change. You will ALWAYS be a demon, Romulus. Face the facts... you're a monster."

"I don't want... I don't..." Roman's eyes narrowed as he just laughed and laid himself back comepletely in tatters he didn't even notice the tears anymore. "I don't want to be anymore."

"It's not going to change. You'll always be a demon. In fact..." Fiona laughed wickedly as she smirked at the broken demon. "The only thing that's changed in you is how weak the great prince Romulus became. You're supposed to be a prince of demons."


"You can't change facts."

"No!" Fiona wavered as she glared the man down. "I'm not Romulus anymore."

"You can't hide from it. You're never going to change."

"NO!" Roman yelled out as he gripped his hair feeling his breathing lapse on him. "JUST STOP!"

"The sooner you accept reality the better."

"I'm not...

"OPEN YOUR EYES ROMULUS! There's nothing but blood and gore in your wake." Fiona yelled out as the world seemed to gray out on him. "What makes you think the future will be any different?"

"NO!" Roman screamed out magic flaring as he jumped up in bed curling into a ball instantly as he just continued to scream. The lights flickered endlessly as tears spilled like waterfalls. This dark aura filled the room like a shadow so dense and heavy it could crush you the second you entered. "No. no. no. no. no." Roman choked as he rocked a bit unable to get those flashes out of his head. All the blood, pain, and torment he caused so many innocent people. It drowned him in that horrible gut-wrenching feeling he could only identify as guilt and remorse. "I don't... I don't want to be... I'm not him anymore. I'm not. I'm..."

"Roman?" Roman's glowing red eyes darted up instantly seeing Virgil standing there, white as a ghost and fear evident in his eyes as he gripped his shirt tightly. 

"V-Virge?" Virgil stepped back out of fear as Roman just sat there unsure if this was even really happening. The second Virgil started to cry everything snapped in Roman. "Shit. Virgil?!"

"What even are you?!"

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