3🥳💕 !

52 6 8

Emily P.O.V

                      1 month later ..
Today is me and king anniversary , today was going to be good !!!

I got up up and did my hygiene And when I was done king had texted me I was kinda bored I went over to the sink to get my phone to see what he had texted ..

'Bestfriend🤧💕' : I got a surprise for you tonight be ready by 8:30 and wear the dress I bought you best .


I was wondering what he was doing cause he didn't text me back

               15 minutes later ' Bestfriend 🤧💕! ' would like you FaceTime you ...

Hello?? I said wyd doing sexy he replied with a smirk ohhh nothing watching tv Chilling

His smiled dropped you chilling on our anniversary he mugged me , i don't have nothing else to do .

You got my gift he said smiling like spongebob . Of course bestfriend the truth was I didn't have nothing I forgot to get him a gift ...

Did you get my stuff I said matching his energy , duhh bestfriend he said looking nervous !!

so we talked for about 20 more minutes but then it was getting closer to time so I had to hurry and go to the mall and Nike and get him a lot of stuff so I got and got ready and left ..

King P . O . V

Today is me and Emily anniversary and I didn't have shit ready yet I booked an air b & b so we could spend 3 days together !! I planned to not piss her off and not leave or let what I do get In the way . Tonight has to go right so I can tell her how I feel and that I want to take our relationship to the next level I really hope this work out right !!

And not only that I wanna give her some dick tonight but if she not ready I have no choice but accept that .

I was going to Pink , Victoria Secret  and bath and body works to get her some stuff then I got to go and decorate the air b & b tonight Emily will finally be my girlfriend and I can please her protect her and be her forever man . I don't wanna make any mistakes and I wanna be the one to be by her side for the rest of my life .

I was knocked out of my thoughts by my phone ringing  I looked down to see who was calling .

                STUPID BITCH I REGRET DATING 🥱💔 !would like to FaceTime you ...

Hello? I said I'm a annoyed tone because this was the ex who broke my heart and used me for my money and got my house shot up because she was a opp . Only reason I didn't kill her yet is because she claim she 2 months pregnant .

Wyd bae she said bitch I'm not your boyfriend what you want?? I asked

I'm hungry well too bad go get you some food bitch as I hung

                   1 hour later

I'm just now leaving the mall with all her stuff I have like 200 hundreds bags like literally I had to leave some in the store and come back and get them . It is not currently 6:35 at 7:30 I'm going to take Emily out to dinner and then to the air b & b so I can tell her everything matter fact I'm gone tell her how I feel About her at dinner .

                       30 mins
I am now done decorating the air b & b I'm finna get in the shower for 20 minutes and then go pick up Emily ..

          30 minutes

I'm on my way to get Emily hope this shit go right I thought to myself cause if it don't I'm fucked !! I drove in Emily drive way and honked the horn waiting for her to come out .

She looked beautiful coming out the house in the dress I bought her just for today ouuu the things that I could do to her I thought while she approached the door I got knocked out my thoughts "hayee bestfriend " Emily said " heyyy sexy thing I Said biting my lips "

we arrived at the restaurant we start laughing and talk until the waiter came up and took our orders " hey what can I get for you today " the waiter said looking at me with her bitting her lips as if i was the finest person on the planet .

Emily cleated her throat and the waiter looked up at her with a mug what can I get for you ma'am the waiter said with a attitude I will like a  pink lemonade with a lemonade on the side ok my cup k 😒 the waiter said !!

I can see Emily looking sad and I didn't want nothing to mess up our date umm can we get a new waiter I don't like how you are talking to me date I said she got a attitude yeah sure but before I I got can I get your number I looked at her No tf you can't I got a girl right here I said ok then tf she replied  .

Emily you ok I asked yeah she said  . But you referred to me as your girl is there something you need to tell me she said . I got nervous well Emily we have been friends for 5 years now and I'm tired of seeing you hurt and unprotected and people doing you wrong . I wanna be your boyfriend and you be my girl so you what have to ever worry about nothing I really wanna be with you 🥺

Emily P.O.V

Why he was telling me this stuff I was getting teary eyed because this is all I ever wanted to hear and I couldn't wait to he was done so I can tell him . So what do you say he said " of course I'll be you girlfriend I felt the same way for a long time but I wasn't finna say nun first because I didn't want to ruin nothing I said

After we got done eating and talking it took her back to the air b&'b and it was about to go down

House tour

 House tour

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I hope you like it said I don't decorate a lot she interrupted no no it's cute she said  she squealed and jumped and me and start kissing me and kissing my neck and then you know what happened Excuse any mistakes STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER 🥳...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I hope you like it said I don't decorate a lot she interrupted no no it's cute she said  she squealed and jumped and me and start kissing me and kissing my neck and then you know what happened
Excuse any mistakes


How do y'all like this chapter

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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' His wholeheart 🥰🤧 'Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang