Chapter 9 - Unexpected Visit

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May 15, 2013

I was now 12 weeks (picture of stomach on side or up top), and I was living with Jordyn. She was excited about the baby, and she had more room than my parent's house since we downsized when we moved. It was just her, baby Hemmings, and me. It was weird that I called the baby "Baby Hemmings" but technically, it is a Hemmings. I don't know why I don't call it "Baby Howells". I like baby Hemmings better. It's really cute.

I also got a little job at a local restaurant waitressing. It was an okay job, and it payed well. Jordyn also let me stay at her house for free so I could save up for stuff for the baby. I worked after school on weekdays and on Saturdays from 4:30pm to 7:30pm, and added homework to that. I usually got a quarter of my homework done in study halls, did some before I went to work, and then stayed up until 10 finishing it. It was okay, but pretty hectic. My math teacher and my English teacher tried to lay off on my homework, and that was good. I felt like I was being treated differently than other students, and I was. I didn't like that, but it was easier.

Anyways, I was in my room studying and heard the doorbell ring. I then heard Jordyn yell from the kitchen, "Jenna, you get it!! I'm busy!!", so I ran down the steps and to the door. I opened the door and my jaw dropped. It was Luke.

"Hey Jenna.." He smiled.

"Hey Luke. How are you? And the band?"

"The band is good, but I'm not.."

"Why not?"

"Cause you're not in my life anymore"

"I know, Luke.. But wait.. How'd you know I moved to Perth, then to Jordyn's house?"

"My mum told me your parent's new address, then your parents told me to come here."

"Oh okay..."

"So.. How have you been?"

"Um.. Okay, guess"

"That's good"

I tried to hold in my small, but noticeable, stomach. I had a tight shirt on, and that wasn't the best.

"You want to come in and sit?"

"No. I'm good.. I just wanted to stop in and see how you were doing"

"oh, okay"

Suddenly, Jordyn walked out with her head down, "um.. Jenna, how much spaghetti do you want me to make for you and-" she looked up, "oh.. Hey Luke"

I was so happy she looked up when she did or she would've said baby Hemmings. That would've totally blown it..

"Hey Jordyn" he said back, then I whispered to her that I wanted a lot of spaghetti since I was eating for two.

I heard a honk, then realized the boys were out in the car. I ran out to see the boys. When I hugged Michael, he told me something I want expecting to hear from any of them.

"I know you're pregnant, Jenna" he whispered into my ear.

"Yeah.. But don't tell anyone, especially Luke.. Okay?" I whispered back.

"Okay.." He understood.

"Bye guys!! See you later! Bye Luke.." I started walking back into the house.

"Bye Jen" Luke called me by my old nickname.

I smiled, and finished walking into the house. I walked int the kitchen where Jordyn was making a lot of spaghetti for us, but mostly for me.

"Well, Michael knows I'm pregnant" I announced.

"You told him?"

"No.. He could tell by my small stomach"

"Okay. Now sit down and eat some of this spaghetti I made for you and baby Hemmings"

"Okay" I got a plate of spaghetti and walked over to the table, sat down, and began to eat.


Sorry this one is shorter!!! The next one will have another time leap... I'm sorry!! I'm just trying to get this story going and going and going........... Love you guys!


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