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Ags pov

Crazy- Franny
If you watch the music video It'll make a lot more sense

I got a call from Anna telling me to come get her from a group of friends, I got and waited for her on the hood of the car, she saw me and waved bye her friends, her friends rolled their eyes as she walked away and went over to me, I kissed her, Anna wanted to drive so I let her I sat in the passenger seat

I saw a corner store, it was an easy target to steal from, I gave anna the look and she pulled into it, she didn't even part right but it didn't even matter

"If I'm not out in 30 minutes minutes or less you leave got it?" I told her and she nodded, I got my mask because I can't show my face, not trying to go to jail, I also grabbed my gloves and I went in

Anna's pov

I looked around for cops because that's what I always do when she leaves me in the car, I didn't
Have the heart to steal anything from anybody but cops weren't too fond of me..I've done a lot of things and I can't afford to get caught again I'll go to jail and I'm not planning on going

Ag ran out with a whole stack of money she hopped in the car and I drove off to our small apartment that we had together

We ran up the stairs laughing as I opened the door and we went to our room, the LED lights were set to red while crazy was playing in the background we counted the money but we did More playing with it then counting but in all we had $10,000

(Warning this ones a little more descriptive and written out 💀😭⚠️)

I saw ag staring at me she ran her finger over my lip and she kissed me I kissed her back as she slowly got on top of me One of her hands were on my waist and the other was interlocked with mine

She moved my hands to above my head and she held them using one hand, she was much stronger than I was so I wasn't gonna fight

She kissed my exposed skin, I was wearing a white crop top with light blue ripped jeans

She took off my my shirt because it was cold In the room and my newly exposed skin was hot I got chills she kissed and sucked on my neck leaving dark purple hickeys she moved down and scattered more all over my body

She kissed down my body and she unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down and off, she moved her hand from off of mine "don't move them." She said in a dominant I nodded

She kissed my Inner thigh giving me hickeys there making me whine, she knows exactly what I want, what I need, what I crave from her

"Patience mama." She said to me as I wiggled around whining, she finally gave me what I've been waiting for the past 5 minutes by connecting her lips with mine (😭)

I moaned out loud as I grabbed the headboard, she wrapped her arms around my thighs to make sure I don't move

She licked and sucked like her life depended on it making me go over the edge, I brought my hands down, I wasn't gonna tell her to stop because god knows I didn't want her too

I pushed her head down softly "hands." She said as I put them back above my head "do I need to handcuff you to the bed?" She asked me looking up, I shook my head "don't. Move." She said in a growling tone

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