Sooner Than I Thought

Start from the beginning

"Yea. Get ready," he said

You put on some clothes and get Malani ready. You put her in the carseat and put on your slides. Cordell grabs Malani and you grab your bag and her diaper bag. You grab Tiana's hand and you all walk out the hospital. You strap Malani in properly and then get in the car. Cordell drives off

 Cordell drives off

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I'm still alive. I faked my death due to some trouble I was in. I looked at the pictures that my mom sent me of my baby girl, Malani. She looks just like me and i wish that i could hold her. You grab your other phone and text Genesis number and tell her it's you and to not tell anyone. You put the address and turn off the phone

Your sitting in the bed and you get a text from a unknown number

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Your sitting in the bed and you get a text from a unknown number. It says:

"It's me Tyler and i would like to see Malani. I miss you and i would like to raise Malani with you. Pack your suitcase and Malani's and meet me at this address. Don't tell anyone"

It had an address below. You think this is true so you pack you, Malani's, and Tiana's suitcase. You put on your jacket and put Malani in her carseat and put her carseat cover on. You grab the bags and put them in your car. You go back in and grab Malani, your keys, and purse. You put Malani and the car and you get in and make sure Tiana is in the car then drive off. This better be true cause your not driving 2 hours away for some bullshit

2 hours later~

You arrive at the address he gave you

You park your car in the driveway and grab Malani and the bags

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You park your car in the driveway and grab Malani and the bags. You knock on the door and he opens it. You walk in and he takes the bags and puts them upstairs. You take Malani out and rock her back and forth. Tiana just sat on the couch with her tablet

"So this is foreal my daughter?" Tyler asked

"Yea. Meet Malani Amira Johnson"

"We gon have to change her last name," he said playing with her fingers

"Chill cause you the one who decided to fake your damn death," you said sitting her down in her carseat

"I had reasons Genesis," he said

"WHAT FUCKING REASONS?! I MISSED YOU AND NEEDED HELP RAISING MALANI! I WAS DOING IT ALL ALONE AND WANTED YOU TO COME BACK EVERYDAY! I damn near killed myself but Malani kept me alive!" You said with tears running down your face

Tyler sat next to you and hugged you. He kissed your forehead

"I'm sorry Gigi. For everything," he said

"You ain't fucking sorry!" You said moving away from him

"Yes i am! I mean it from the bottom of my heart," he said looking at you

"We'll see about that. Where am i sleeping?"

He took you to a room that had a bed and a crib in it

"I figured you would want Malani with you so," he said

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"I figured you would want Malani with you so," he said

"Yea. Thanks"

"No problem and my mama is here," he said


"Down stairs. First room on the right," he said

You handed Malani to Tyler

"Don't drop our baby nigga"

"I'm not. Tell yo mommy that daddy got you," he said talking in a baby voice to Malani

You walked downstairs and went to the first room on the right. You knocked on the door

"Come in," Mama Tori said

"Hey mama Tori!"

She got up and hugged you. You missed her a lot

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