part 2- strike

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I was so exited! i only get to go selling with jack every once in awhile when i don't have work. as we were walking down to where weasel and the delancey brothers sell the papers out, we heard a big commotion going on. Then i heard blink "they jacked up the price". i'm assuming that means the papers cost more than what they costed yesterday. we were trying to figure out ways that we could get the price back to normal when a thought popped into my head. "STRIKE!!!" i exclaimed loudly. "what?" and " what is she talking about"s were being thrown around. " no i mean it. those trolley workers, they had a successful strike when they got a bunch of people together and rioted! why can't we do the same?" everyone was telling me i was crazy. "that could work" said jack. some boy i've never seen before started arguing with him. " jack we can't. we have no union." "well if we go on strike then we are a union right?" "no we are just a bunch of angry kids with no money. maybe if we got more kids from all around new york though" he said " that's it we'll organzine! make a union! great idea y/n!!" i smiled. "by the way, y/n Kelly, meet David Jacobs." we exchanged hellos and we shook hands. we were going to have a strike.

a/n i know i said u would meet spot in this chapter but i'm really tired so it'll be next chapter! anyway thanks

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