Niall's POV

The plane made its way down the runway and into the cloud filled sky. I plug my headphones into my iphone and unlock my phone to a picture of Acacia. I sigh and look at my missed calls and texts.

3 missed calls from Harold

6 missed calls from Louis

8 unread messages from Acacia♥

I get out of my messaging application and turn on my music. I lock my phone and just listen, getting away from this. Last thing I knew, I was asleep.

Acacia's POV

"Ma'am, the next plane takes of in 15 minutes. Please take a seat." I groan and slap my hands against the counter.

"When did the 7:15 leave?" I ask, starting to get frustrated.

"25 minutes ago ma'am," the woman behind the counter said, "We've rescheduled you for the next flight for missed passengers. The plane will arrive 5 minutes later but you'll still make it for arrival time at the Dublin airport. Ma'am, please take a seat."

I leave the counter and pull out my phone, I check for message and calls. Nothing. I lock my phone and put it in my back pocket. I pace for what seems like forever when the announcer come overhead.

"Boarding for plane to Dublin. Terminal 8b. Boarding now."

I race to terminal 8b and hand my ticket to the lady. I then take it back and walk to the plane. I sit down in my seat and wait for the plane to take off. This will be an exhausting ride.

Niall's POV

The plane arrives in the airport just when the second plane does. We exit and go to the carousel, waiting for my bag to come about. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot as people started to appear more and more.

"Really Horan?," I hear someone say. I turn my attention to my left, a girl in long blonde hair on her phone. "I flew to a different country for your ass." She turned to look at me, a side smile appearing on her face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, stuttering a bit.

"Looking for you, you little bitch!" She yells softly, her now ivy green eyes look into mine. She moves closer to me, as I wrap my arms around her. I kiss her forehead as she looked up at me.

"You missed." She says. Before I can answer, she crashed her lips into mine. I kissed her back. To me, the moment was magical, like the first time we've ever shared a kiss. She pulls back as I smiled. She turned her attention back to the carousel, looking for our bags. When I found my backpack and she found hers, I lifted her up for a piggy-back ride. We started to laugh as I spot Greg. I dropped her o n the ground as I gave my brother a big hug.

"Great to see you man." He says, as I smile.

"This is my girlfriend, Acacia." I say, gesturing towards her. She sticks out her hand as Greg returns.

"Nice to meet you." She says.


We then headed out the airport and into Greg's car. I sit in the back with Acacia as Greg sits in the driver's seat and speeds off to Mullingar. "Do I have a disease or something?" Greg announces, as we all start laughing. I wrap my arm around Acacia's neck as we look at each other.

"I missed you." I stated.

"I missed you."

"I missed you more."

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