JOEYS POV: (yay)

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•Author speaking; This is Joey in the picture. I want to thank everyone for getting me to 200 reads :D Im really happy and so proud to have this much reads. To get to know me, my name is Marshall and I might be doing another story about Hetalia. So please keep reading and voting and thank you!•

Joeys POV:

That little fucking bastard is with another girl again! I thought to myself as I walked into my house. I was in the city today to collect money from previous playings. I saw Corey and was going to go up to him but I saw he was with a girl. As soon as Caroline died I was sure he'd want me but..? Images started going through my mind of Corey and I having sex on his couch. His wife, Caroline was sleeping in the other room. Corey's such a fucking ass.


"Are they gone?" I whispered, staring as Mick closed the door. I felt hands go around my inner thigh and was pulled away. I turned around, expecting Corey and that's what I got.
"Stop worrying all the time... it's so fricken annoying." He said as he pulled me into a different room.
"Isn't your wife downstairs?" I whispered, not caring if he lectures me of how I'm always worrying again.
"Dude calm down, she's probably cutting her worthless self again and drowning in misery." He replied with a small smirk. You know, Corey was an asshole at times. A big, fat asshole.
As I laid on the bed he pushed me on, feeling warm hands moving up and down my torso, I decided to give up. Corey could have what he wanted and it'll be okay.
I let myself be taken away, by Corey. The least expectant person I would have ever thought would get laid by me. What a dick.


I got out of my black corvette, which I had just bought with the last of the band money and found myself knocking on Corey's front door. I sighed when he opened the door.
"Why the hell are you here?" He asked angrily. "I saw you today with a lady." I smirked and pushed myself inside. The large opening reminded me of all the flashbacks. I shuttered at the thought and went in the kitchen.
"So..." I said, with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "Who is it now?"
Corey smiled a bit and explained to me that he met a girl at an Insane Asylum.
"Good job. You really blew it." I sighed.
"What are you talking about? Why are you even here?" Corey questioned.
"You took an insane person from an Asylum, Corey. And now you're going to torture her with your alcoholic ways. You're going to keep her in that basement so she goes even more insane! Just like-" Corey's fist went right into my gut.
"You better shut the living hell up you bastard!" He screamed. I ran away before he could punch me again.
"What's going on?" A woman's voice called from the hallway. I turned around and gasped. Caroline?
"Ash get out of here now!" Corey yelled and tried grabbing me.
"Who the fuck is this? Ash? Why does she look like Caroline?" I was so confused. How could Corey find someone like her? Ash didn't move, she looked so shocked. And Corey was screaming at her to leave. It was a mess and I loved it.
I grabbed my gun. Which was used for torture and torture only.
"What are you doing with that?" Ash cried, I could tell she knew what I was doing. "Hold still pumpkin." I whispered and shot her leg.
"Ash!" Corey screamed and ran to her. She fell flat on the floor, screaming and crying. Corey used his shirt to try and stop the bleeding. I laughed and shot her again. And again. And again. Blood had flown everywhere. They were both screaming.
"What are you doing??" Corey screamed and jumped up at me but he stopped when I aimed the gun at him.
"No sudden moves, my lovely man-whore." I smirked.
Blood was smeared all over his body and tears were forming in his eyes.
"Look at her, Corey. Look at her dead, twitching body. Looks a lot like Caroline's doesn't it? The blood? The body? Looks familiar?" I asked. I loved seeing him pained.
"Why are you doing this?" He whispered.
"Why are you filled with so much hate? You motherfucking bastard!" He raised his voice. "I was just becoming hap-" I cut him off by raising the gun to his head.
"See you in hell." I said and pulled the trigger.

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