"Okay you start" Olivia says, nudging Anthony.


As they all start playing the game, it's starts off mild and innocent, nothing too explicit. Nessa gets dares to do shots but she passes, using the fact that she's driving as an excuse. A few of the dares are on the lower level of the scale but it all changes quickly when Bryce picks a dare card and his face drains of color.

"Man who came up with this shit?" He mutters as he starts to unbuckle his belt.

Nessa's eyes widen, her mind pulsing with thoughts as she tries to distract herself from the boy stripping in front of her.

"Here you go" Avani says, interrupting the moment. She looks over in Bryce's direction- shaking her head with disappointment before handing over a yellow folder to Nessa who is thrilled to be getting out of there.

"Hey where you going party pooper?" Addison asks, tugging on Nessa's sleeve. The dirty blonde pouts, her question grabbing the attention of everyone surrounding. Surely Nessa isn't leaving, right?

Hesitantly, Nessa clutches onto the folder in her arm. She doesn't want to make it seem like she can't keep up with them or that she doesn't want to be here but she's pregnant and moving in two days. She's busy.

"Ads give her a break, she's probably busy with packing and stuff for moving on Sunday, right Ness?" Avani says, trying to help her out but creating a million problems instead. Nessa appreciates the effort though.

All eyes are on Nessa as Avani's statement soaks into their ears, questions circling, confusion arising. What does she mean Nessa's moving?

"You're moving?" Mads asks, her voice weak. It hit her like a school bus. Her best friend is leaving and she was too busy being childish to be there for her. Her heart breaks while she waits for an answer, hoping that Avani got it all wrong.

Sheepishly, Nessa holds her arm, nodding her head. "I'm moving in with Taylor on Sunday and I'm being homeschooled starting Monday" she confesses, everyone's expressions unreadable.

"You can't leave without a proper goodbye, how about a get together tomorrow at my house? Just a small group of us, you can even chose who comes" Jaden says, his friends backing up his suggestion.

Nessa smiles to herself, she didn't think they'd care if she left or not. They aren't even her close friends.

"Sounds good, I'll see you guys then".

Nessa turns around, making eye contact with Josh before exiting the basement. She weaves her way through the crowd, and out of the front door. The outside air sends chills down her spine as she walks down the porch stairs and across the yard, nearing her parents' car.

The tired girl fumbles in her pocket, trying to retrieve the keys. When she finally finds them, Nessa pulls them out, looking up from the ground and yelping back in surprise, her hand covering her heart.

"Josh? What the fuck" she yells, panting while trying to calm herself down. What kind of idiot sneaks up on someone like that.

The wide eyed boy feels bad, he hadn't meant to startle her. "I'm sorry, thought you would have heard me...anyways that's not the point" he dismisses.

Nessa raises an eyebrow at him. What could he possibly want.

"I don't know why you keep lying to me but I'd appreciate it if you stopped and just explain now" he says, catching her by surprise.

Confused, she makes a face.

"What did I lie about this time?" She says, her tone bored and expression blank. She's had enough of Josh's mind games. If he has something to say he should just say it.

"I'll admit, you were careful in the beginning but I caught on the second you handed in your note for PE. You've never missed a day of PE not even when you broke your arm and were told not to do it by your doctors so you can imagine my suspicion when you handed over your note to Mrs. Simmons willingly. And then when I was leaving practice the other day, I saw you try to sneak out of the nurses office- thinking you hadn't been seen. And now? You don't want alcohol even though you hate losing at truth or dare, you covered your stomach when Avani gave you one of her bear hugs and you're moving out of the blue? I'm not completely stupid Nessa. I know you're still pregnant".

Nessa stares at the blue eyed boy with utter disbelief. How the fuck did he figure it out. She doesn't know how to feel right now.

"Before you get mad-"

"I'm not mad. It was my own fault. I went off at you that day in the park and you tried to tell me but I refused to listen. I'm sorry for that. But I don't want you to leave. I'm not ashamed that I got you pregnant and you shouldn't have to pack up and move just because you don't want people to know. Prove them wrong, stay and show them that you can complete your senior year and be a badass pregnant lady too" he jokes, trying to make light of the conversation.

The two share a small laugh, their eyes locking.

"I don't know Josh. I don't know if I can" she sighs, shrugging her shoulders.

Still staring into Josh's deep blue eyes, Nessa feels herself start to tear up. Now that he knows, all of the stress and weight of the secret starts to fade away slowly and before she knows it, Nessa has tears streaming down her face. It's been insanely hard for her these past few weeks and she just feels so relieved to not have to hide it from him anymore.

"Hey stop that, don't cry".

Within seconds, Josh walks over to her side and brings the crying girl close to him. He wraps his arms around her, her head resting on his chest. Josh starts to stroke Nessa's brunette locks, calming her down.

"Whatever you decide to do, I want to be apart of it. I want to support you Bambi. My dad wasn't there for my mom during her pregnancy and I'll be damned if I turn out to be anything like that douche" Josh whispers loud enough for her to hear.

With a reassuring squeeze, Nessa nods her head. She was hesitant at first but now she knows that she should never have doubted Josh in the first place. He's really shown that he cares and if he wants to help then who is she to stop him? This is the perfect outcome she could have hoped for. The only boulder they have to move past now is telling everyone. Telling their friends. Telling their parents. But Nessa feels secure, knowing that they'll do it together.


for the very late update
had a ~ technical~ problem
we should be good now tho
and two more chapters WILL be posted tonight

anyways josh is cute, stan josh
this chapter is an extra 1k+ words long so


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