Im back!

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The akatsuki will change back to kittens at random times. But never change Human at random. They change at noon tho, exactly noon.

So I sat up from my place on the couch and put itachi, who was currently curled up on my stomach, in the place I was. I walked to the kitchen to make the little buggers lunch. I boiled water and added a few packs of ramen noodles.
The door suddenly vibrated after a loud bang was heard.
Hidan, who followed me into the kitchen, pawed at my pant leg.

"Yes Hidan, I heard the noise. But currently the stove is to hot to leave alone right now. So give me a moment to put it on simmer and I will deal with the door situation." I said gently pushing him away with my foot. Once the oven was ok I picked Hidan up.
"Let's go see what is at the door." I said roiling my eyes and scratching behind his ear.
Once opening the door... Deja vu....... There was a box on my front step.
I set Hidan down and got the box inside.
Three kittens spilled out of the box as I tipped it over with my foot.
"I have things cooking so don't kill each other will I'm in the kitchen." I said giving the three a look. Hey look it was naruto kakashi and sasuke.
"I you uchiha's start fighting I will neuter the both of you." I yelled from my position at the stove, the ramen was finished and I put it on a dinner platter and set it on the floor.
"Come eat you little weirdo's." I call sitting on the counter with a stick of sweet dango in my hand while the other held my phone I was reading from. All the kittens walked in and started eatting the ramen......... Execpt for itachi the troublemaker.
Yes I certainly said troublemaker, it started when he stopped me from jumping down the stares but did not end there. Oh no, he has preceded to waking me up every morning with a wet rough kitten tongue, reading over my shoulder when I was writing my love stories. And nipping anywhere he can reach when needing attention. He is annoying, I'm almost at my limit with him. I'm going to dump him in cold water.
He hopped on a chair and onto the counter with me and stole a ball from my dango stick.
"I don't know why you are so annoying. I thought you would be an easy one but in all actuality you are a troublemaker. If you don't stop being so stupid I'm going to stick you in a bucket of cold water." I told him seriously, but of course he didn't listen. He continued to eat my dango and sit on my lap.
"Your lucky your cute." I muttered and went back to reading. But again my reading was interrupted by my reminder to practice dancing.
"Man! I should just skip dancing today right?" I asked looking at Pein who sat on my lap next to itachi.
"Shut up, know on likes you guys anyway. " I huff while thinking
"I bet I could turn you back into humans." I said, Pein just rolled his eyes at me while itachi and the others looked at me cuirously.
I foucused really hard on itachi, and there was a poof. Itachi uchiha stood tall and proud in his normal cloths in front of me.
Pein looked at me with pleading eyes but I just pushed him off my lap and looked at the raven haired uchiha.
"Thanks." Itachi said as I got off the counter. I got in his face, or at least as far up to his face as my shortness allowed. We were chest to chest and face to neck .😐
"Why are you so annoying!" I pushed my finger in his chest."ever since the stair incedent you have been annoying me to no end!" I scream the last part and turn on my heal my back to him crossing my arms over my chest and huffed in irritation.

"Ah, V. I wasn't meaning to annoy you. And I'm sorry, please. I don't want you to be mad at me." He said in my ear. With his hand on my shoulder turning me around.
"It is what it is." I sigh
"I turned you back for a reason, you have the sharingan. An you won't make a fuss about helping me." I said walking up the stairs to the dancing room.
"What am I helping you with?" He asked. I pulled out a video of me and my partner dancing.
"I need you to copy that and dance with me." I said I started the video and he blinked his sharingan. He switched it off once the video was done. I stared the music and we danced together with precision and grace. When we finished it off itachi was panting.
"Tired already?" I laughed doing a hand stand.
"How can you do that everyday. It's more tiring then training." He exclaimed, he shows more emotion with me. I don't know how I feel about that.
I went to the closet and got my training gear and started practicing. Itachi was still regulating his breathing when I looked at the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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