Walking Aimlessly

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I smile up at him as he takes a step towards me. I bite my bottom lip and watch as Brixton rolls his head back, groaning.

"You can't do that to me. That's completely unfair."

"All's fair in love and war."

Brixton smirks up at me, and I can tell he's somewhat pleased with my answer. I don't give him the satisfaction to watch my knees go weak at his gaze. I excuse myself to go to the restroom, and I know that Brixton knows that I'm getting myself out of the situation, but what else was I supposed to do? Let him get to me? No way in hell. 

Once I lock myself in the bathroom, I finally get a minute to breathe. Everything is going at a hundred miles per hour, and I just need a minute to wrap my head around everything. I'm finally (at least I think so) with the man I've been crushing on since I first met him.

How is that even possible? Why could I have possibly done to deserve him? I know I deserve a lot, but Brixton is something more than I could have ever imagined. It took us so long to get together, and he's still waiting for me to talk to my parents. What am I even going to say to them? 

They just told me no boys, and here I am. With a boy. With a man, really. Maybe they'll make an exception. I can't depend on that though. They rarely make exceptions, especially when it comes to me and them controlling my life. This could go one of a thousand ways, and I'm terrified it's going to the worst thing. I don't even know what that is.

"Hey, kitten. Are you alright in there?"

"I'm fine, just overthinking."

"Why don't you come out? We can sit down, eat cookies, and talk to one another?"

"You've already dealt with me too much. I can figure this one out. I know I can be a little much."

"You aren't too much for someone who can't get enough. Kitten, come on. Just because we have a different relationship doesn't mean I've changed. You're still my best friend, and we used to talk to each other about everything."

He's right. He's still the same guy I met however long ago. He was the one that let me out of a closet. I open the bathroom door and walk out into the hallway. Brixton takes my hand, guising me into the kitchen. He grabs four cookies, and we take a seat on the couch.

"Tell me."

"I'm slightly overwhelmed by this whole thing. I mean, just two days ago we were friends and now we are whatever we are."

"I don't think we were ever just friends. We always had a connection greater than that, but now we are acting on it. Don't you think?"

"I-I guess you're right. I don't know what to do with all of it."

"Do what with all of what?"

"With you and this whole thing."

"The foreplay? Or...what?"

"You're one of most amazing on this planet. You're smart, kind, flirty, handsome. You're everything a girl would ask for. I never thought that someone like you would like...someone like me."

"We aren't in different categories, kitten. You are human, and I am human. Us two humans found a connection and passion and compatibility within one another. Yes, I am amazing, but that doesn't mean we can't be together."

Brixton chuckles lowly before continuing on.

"You are amazing too, but whatever we are doesn't really matter. I really like who you are, but that doesn't-I'm not saying this right."

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