Calypso POV

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Once Leo had suggested his, 'good idea' I was immediately uninterested. His ideas usually didn't go well. Like that one time, where Leo had taken me to the woods to explore, and he had burst into flames, burning a nymph's tree. Thank the gods it only burned a little. Leo had apologised, but the nymph was still angry.

Then Leo said: "We should play Truth or Dare"

"Truth or Dare? What's that?" I asked. Leo looked shocked. I was very confused. I had never heard of Truth or Dare.

"You've never played Truth or Dare?" Leo said. "Let me explain."

As Leo explained the rules of Truth or Dare, I got more nervous with every word. It sounded pretty fun though, so I guess I could try just once.

when Leo finished explaining, he asked: "So what do you say, sunshine?"

A/N: I will definitely make the next one longer. Sowwy :C

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