Chapter 4

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            They were trying to eat Fenrys! Gods above! It seems like Fenrys is done with that because a bright light flared out followed by a "Stop talking about eating me like I'm an animal!" 


              "Stop talking about eating me like I'm an animal!" The seemed shocked by my shift. Did they not have animal forms? I felt a dark claws in my mind and quickly put up my mental shields. Judging by the sharp breath from the corner it was the male with violet eyes and wings. "Hey you, purple eyes your a Daemati right?" He looked shocked. "I'll take that as a yes then. Anyone have a clue on how to open this box because that would be very helpful!" 


                   How did he know I was in his mind? And what's in the box or who's in the box? I guess I should ask. "Whats in the box?" His onyx eyes darkened. He simply said "She is not a what. She is a living being. Call her a what again and you will have your body turned to ash." So the male had fire powers? Autumn? Feyre asked. Maybe. I replied. This male was very strange.


                She's gone. She's gone. She's gone. Her queen. Dead. Gone. I still couldn't process it. We'd gone so far, all for nothing. She was dead. Aelin was dead. No, no she couldn't be dead. Right? "She can't be dead, no. We keep going maybe, maybe Maev- she did that so we wouldn't come for her. Right? W-we keep going right?" No one answered her. Gavriel said quietly, "Her magic wouldn't work from this far away." No. "What if she is close by to us though, what if-" My words were cut of by Gavriel shaking his head. "She is gone Elide."

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