ℭ𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝔗𝗐𝗈· 𝔅𝖺𝗍𝗁𝗋𝗈𝗈𝗆 𝔅𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄

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"Alrighty everyone, let's order our food and then we can take a bathroom break." Naviana placed Kyler on her hip as she carried her purse in her other arm with Lillian on her other hip. Lillian has her head up and was halfheartedly paying attention while Kyler was sleeping on her shoulder.

The two twins were both holding hands with Willow. They all walked into the pretty empty pit stop.

*:.. o(▽≦)o ..:*

"For the last goddam time Brahms! We have to find the fucking exit before we can take a bathroom break! Unless your trying to fucking pee in the car!" Chucky yelled as he turned around to see a anxious Brahms. Micheal glared at Chucky for being so harsh on their mate and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Chucky sighed and rubbed his plastic forehead in a stressed out way.

"Look, I'm sorry Brahms. We are trying to hurry to the next exit. Okay?" Brahms just looked at Chucky and nodded. Chucky turned back around and muttered some curse words under his breathe as he sat on Tiffany's lap.

"We are taking this exit so everyone get ready." Hannibal spoke as he turned the car to the right direction. Pennywise turned into a human form as he made Chucky and Pinhead into humans as well. So that they can go out and stretch their legs.

"Yay! Finally! Food!" Everyone got out of the car, most of the boys exaggerate their movements in stretching while the girls rolled their eyes, along with the responsible adult males. Pinhead, Hannibal, Micheal, Jason, Freddy, Brahms, and Norman.

"Alright guys you know the drill. If you need to keep your formation stay with Pennywise. Let's all meet in the food court in fifteen minutes. And remember. No killing." Hannibal spoke as he instructed everyone to behave. Everyone agreed and walked off into the pit stop. Unknowing to them, they would find their last piece.

*:.. o(▽≦)o ..:*

"Willow, I'm taking the girls and Kyler with me." Naviana yelled as she finished changing Kylers' dipper.

"Okay! Where am I meeting you at?" The teen spoke as she was in the stall.

"Meet us at Burger King, I'll order you two some food. What do you want?" Naviana went to wash her hands as she left her toddlers on the changing table. With the empty bathroom the girls were not to worried about their noise level.

"Get me a Whopper with fries and a coke!"

"Okay and what about you Carter?" Naviana asked the young boy who was in the stall next to the fourteen year old.

"I want to share with Callie, whatever she wants." Caille swung her legs over the changing table and smiled.

"Alright I'm taking the rest, Carter wait for your sister in here and leave together. Willow take care of your bother." Naviana grabbed the toddlers and placed them on her hip as Caille grabbed the side of her shirt.

"Okay mOm. We'll be fine." Naviana nodded, ignoring Willow's sarcastic ways, and walked out of the bathroom, unknowing to her, two females were walking in as well. Getting jump scared from the unexpected presence everyone kind of had a heart attack. Jolting slightly so that she didn't run into the pretty females she apologised.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." The blonde head females went to reassure that it was fine but they looked into her eyes and stop.

"Its fine honey bu-" It's her. Their soulmate. Their last piece. That was the only thing playing in the girls mind and they all made eye contact. Naviana gasped and stepped back from shock.

"I'm sorry I must go." Naviana spoke quickly as she hurried out of the door and walked into the food court. Tiffany and Carrie both stood there shocked and looked at one another. But they both snapped out of it and hurried to the rest rooms. Eager to tell the others.

*:.. o(▽≦)o ..:*

"Naviana," Callie tugged on her shirt. "Who are they?" Naviana looked ahead. Not making eye contact with the little girl on her side.

"I don't know C. But it's not important what do you want to eat?" Callie gave her sister a 'I don't believe you' face. She knew something was off. The way that Naviana hurried and walked away and the way that Naviana put her emotionless facade up again. It meant that she is hiding her real emotion. Which Callie knew because she has seen the older girl do it all the time when she would get into with their step dads.

'I can't fucking believe that I ran into them! My soulmates! Are you kidding me! Shit. What if the rest are in here as well?!?! Goddamnit!'

The food court barely had anybody in it. Apart from a couple of old people and some homeless people no one was really in there. So adjusting the kids on her hips she made her way to the empty line. Looking down at her younger sibling as she listened to what the little girl wanted to eat.

"Can we get chicken nuggets and fries? With a fanta!" Naviana nodded and went to ask what the twins wanted but she stumbled into a back.

"Oh shit. My bad."

'Damn Naviana! Stop running into people!'

"It's quite alright miss." Naviana looked up the meet a man with blue eyes. He was tall as fuck and had lots of men behind him looking at the scene. They were pretty hot. She wasn't going to lie. But when she looked up into the mans' (the one she ran into) brown eyes she went wide eyed.

"There you are~"

𝔊𝗋𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝔘𝗉 𝔄𝗅𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗒· 𝔖𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌 x ℜ𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin