Moose's Turn to be Narrated

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It's been four days since that morning, and time has never gone by slower. Sam wanted to see Gabe again. Every morning when he did his routine, he hoped he'd see the Angel. His Angel. He didn't care about which part he'd see him. He just wanted to see him.

Day five, Sam woke up to his brother telling him to get up. He was confused until Dean said there was a case. So at 1:24 in the morning, Sam having no idea why Dean was up then, they are in the Impala heading to New Orleans. Dean still hadn't told Sam what the case was about, but he didn't care. He was still too tired to care about anything but sleep. So not long on the road had he fallen asleep.

When he woke up, they were there and Dean and wacked his head to tell him to get up. Dean got their rooms and they headed up. The drowsiness fading lightly, Sam stopped. 'Wait, rooms? Why two?' As if to answer his question, Dean turned around and dropped a key in Sam's hand.

"In case you're still confused, there are two rooms because Cas and Gabriel will be joining us." That set off alarms in Sam's head. But not as much as what he said next. "And you will be sharing a room with the Archangel." As soon as he said it, he ran to his room and locked the door.

'You got lucky Dean, but just you wait till you come outside.' Sam thought bitterly. Yeah, he wanted to see Gabe and he was happy. But sharing a room with him? For the whole time they are on this job? He might faint. And why are Gabe and Castiel staying in the rooms? They don't sleep. But when he opened his door, he saw Gabe asleep on the farthest bed. 'Huh, I guess they do.' Sam thought before closing the door and making his way to the other bed. Taking off his outer layers apart from his shirt, he dropped, passing out.

When he woke up again, Gabe was up and now in a tuxedo. Sam saw him turn around when he reached for his phone. 6:47 a.m.

"Morning Samshine!" Gabe said, stepping away from the mirror and to his own bed.

"Samshine? Where do you get all these crazy nicknames?" Sam chuckled, still too tired to cover up his affection.

"That's not a proper way to greet someone ya know." Gabe said, but a playful smile on his face.

Sam groaned into his pillow a "Good morning Gabriel." Moments later, he felt clothes fall on him and lifted his head up from what looked like a tie. "Wha..."

"Dean-o wants us to check out the victim's family house while he and Cassy do research." Ok, that makes no sense. "But Dean hates research and Castiel can barely work computers." Sam stated, finally sitting up and looking at the clothes. "Plus, no offence, but I don't think that's the right job for you." He said after rubbing his eyes and looked at the man. 'Why do you have to look so good in a suit?' Sam thought.

"Like what you see?" Gabe asked, ignoring his last comment. Sam blushed and looked away.

"N-nope." He stood up and walked out the door, taking the clothes. He knocked on Dean and Castiel's door. When the Angel answered, Sam pushed the clothes to him. "Please take my place and go with your brother." Sam pleaded.

"Oh come on Sammy." Dean's voice said from the bathroom. With that, Sam walked into the room and as Dean came out, Sam just about hit him. Good for Dean that he moved just in time and caught his arm. "Hey, come down Tiger."

"Dean." Sam's voice wasn't angry any more and more like panicked. Dean caught onto it and looked at Castiel then at back at his younger brother. The front door shut and Dean guided Sam to the closest bed. Sam sat down with Dean kneeling in front of him.

"Sammy, what's wrong?" Sam was quiet and looking down, like a sad puppy.

"You know what." He said in a whisper.

"No I don't. I was never the one who was physic." Dean stated before softening his voice. "Come on, no matter what, I'm always going to be your big brother. And as your big brother," He started, lifting a hand up to make Sam look at him. "I want to help you. So please, tell me what's wrong."

By now, Sam had tears running down his face, but Dean wiped them away. "You're right..." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" His brother asked genuinely.

"Your right about everything!" Sam said a little louder. "About every single damn thing I've ever tried to hide or keep from anyone. You always know when something is wrong and when I like some..." Sam cut himself off. "I-I don't want to like him." His eyes now red and puffy, he looked into his brother's eyes.

"Why not?" Dean asked. "I mean he killed me 100 or more times and made you do a genital herpes ad, but he isn't that bad." The last on made Sam groan, but ended up with a smile. "Why not Sammy?"

Sam was quiet for a few minutes before replying. "What if I hurt him...?" Then Dean understood.

"Sam, look at me." He didn't. "Sammy, please." With hesitation, he looked back. "That damn yellowed Demon that killed our mother and your girlfriend, is he still here?" Sam shook his head.


"That's right. And either Michaels who had killed Gabriel before, are they still here?"


"Uh huh. What about werewolves? Can they affect him and make him have to kill himself?" Dean asked.

"I don't think... no they can't." Sam said, understanding where this is going.

"Sammy, he's an Archangel. No blood sucking, heart snatching, or flesh eating creatures are going to take him away." He looked his younger brother in the eyes. "The only thing that can kill him is the Archangel blades. And what happened to the last one?" Dean asked.

"It broke." Dean smiled. Sam barley ever saw him smile. Especially like this.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Dean said as he stood up. "Go to your boyfriend!" Sam wiped his face, but then looked up confused.

"Didn't Castiel and Gabe leave already?" Sam asked

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