It had taken Billie about a month or two, but she'd finally developed a sort of rhythm to being a mother. After work, she'd head to the hospital, and then she got used to the simple things like bathing Jellybean, feeding her, talking to her as she lounged on her hospital cot. Billie knew it was going to be more difficult because she wasn't going to be assisted by hospital staff who were there when she wasn't, but she was prepared. Fatherhood came surprisingly natural to Brandon (the asshole) who pretty heavily treasured Nova. Billie already expected him to spoil her, but she did have to admit seeing Brandon so lovestruck by their daughter warmed her heart.

As for Nova, her lungs were still not as strong as the doctor would have hoped, but sometimes Billie wondered if that was true because she had quite the set of pipes when she cried. She was still fairly calm, but Nurse Johnson had notified Billie that that would probably change once she got used to a more fixed environment.

But Jellybean had grown a lot since her NICU days. Her baby hairs had to grow, dark brown and soft and curly on her head. Her eyes were had gone from their crystal blue, as Billie had assumed, to their dazzling dark hazel brown. As well as his eyes, there was also one thing Billie knew for sure was that Nova would probably take after Brandon a lot. Everytime Nova's mouth would curve up into that adorable toothless, goofy grin when Brandon nuzzled her nose with his, Billie saw his smile.

As if on cue, Nova woke up, her eyes fluttering open slowly. She blinked up at them drowsily, her eyes dazed and sleepy. Billie took her tiny hand in hers and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Good morning." Billie murmured softly, "Did you sleep well, Bean?"

Nova scrunched up as she squirmed in the blankie, and Billie picked up her pacifier from her bag, putting it in Nova's mouth. She sucked on it quietly, settling down as Billie gently rubbed her tummy to calm her. Billie knew she was lucky that she had a pretty tranquil baby, but she knew Brooklyn was right when she said that Nova wouldn't remain calm like forever. Technically, Jellybean was four months old, but her premature birth had slowed her development and the doctors stated that at the current moment she was about at the same place as a three month old baby. Given time, she would catch up and probably at a very high rate now that she would no longer be in the hospital. Billie expected her to get more rowdy as time went on.

"Why do I get the feeling that Nova's going to start out so quiet, but she'll become just like you?" Brandon asked, a warm smile on his face as he gazed down at their baby.

"I was just thinking the same thing." Billie chuckled, "In a few months, I bet she's going to be crawling all over the place and giving me a hard time though."

Brandon went silent for a few seconds, his brows a bit furrowed on his face. He looked pensive, and Billie became a bit concerned from the expression on his face.

She frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Listen, Billie. I've been thinking about something for a while now but...You should take the offer to work at the music studio."

Billie's brows lifted slightly in surprise. "How did you find out?"

"Drew told me," Brandon said. Billie sighed, knowing she shouldn't have told Drew about the news. "I know you're interested. And I know you're giving up music for good, but I think it's okay for you to continue what you love. I can sacrifice some hours and take care of Jellybean so you can write."

"Brandon, you already can't go to your top choice school. I can't do that to you. And I'm not going to not watch Jellybean just because I want to write. I can't put more time into anything other than our baby. That's selfish."

"Billie, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." he said seriously. "I want to do it for you. You deserve this chance. You earned it, especially after how crappy this year has been. I'll watch Jellybean when you want to write so you can spend some time enjoying what you love to do. You want me to continue school and not give up my dreams, and I want the same for you."

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon