
Mr Harper's POV.

It has been hours since June left. I'm really worried. She didn't even tell me which of her friends she went to see.

I pick up my phone and dial kelvin's number but he doesn't pick.

Dinner is already cold, it's already midnight and still no sight of her anywhere.

Forget dinner. She could be in really danger at the moment.

I pace around in fear and finally lay on the sofa awaiting my lost daughter's arrival.


The next morning door bell rings.

Ding! Dong!

I stand up from the sofa I slept off on and reach for the unattended door.

It's kel.

Kel's POV.

June was taken away by Lawrence and after series of beating I was dumped on a deserted area. Good thing I got some help from a driver and found my way back home.

Mr Harper must be worried sick. I've got to make up some excuse.

The entrance door opens.

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning son. Do you have an idea were she could be?"



"Oh June! She called earlier, she's at a friend's place. She'll be staying there for a few days"

What? I don't want him to worry.

"Let me give her a call. She got me worried sick"


"No? Why?"

"Emm. Her phone battery is dead yes!"

"Okay! I'll call her later then"

Pfew. I sigh in relief.

I've got to go search for her. I hope that bastard doesn't hurt her.

But where do I start from?

June's POV.

I wake up in the same position as yesterday. I was really hoping this was all a dream. But it isn't.

My kidnapper comes to me with a plate of spaghetti and drop it right in front of me.

Spaghetti! Really!!!

You think a plate of spaghetti will make up for all this *eyes roll*

"Who are you and what do you freaking want from me?"

"Eat your food"

I have no appetite for food right now. Especially not in this condition.

"I am not hungry"

"I didn't ask you if you're hungry" He forces me to eat.

"Let me go" I throw the food away.

"Ahh! You are so stubborn" He groans.

"Who are you?"

"Lawrence your worst night mare. Nice to meet you" He brings out his hand for a shake.

"Hello!" Showing him my tied up hands.

"Ohh!!! If you haven't been so stubborn, maybe I would've untied you"

"What do you want from me?" Looking into his heartless eyes.

"What do I want? You are asking me this question"

"Yes! I am. At least I  deserve to know why you kidnapped me"

"I want you to suffer how you have made me suffer. I want you to fall on my feet and beg me to end you damn life" He looks me back In the eyes.

This guy is insane. I don't even know him so how you l possibly hurt him.

"Is this because of that night at the party?"

"No! You hurt me way before then"

What is he saying.

"I hurt you, How?"

I couldn't even hurt a fly.

Who am I kidding! I've hurt a lot of people, but I am pretty sure he isn't one of them.

Or is he?

He walks out in anger.

"Wait!" I try to stop him but he keeps walking.

I have already spent a night here.

Dad must be worried sick.

And what happened to Kel?

Poor kel. He has been through a lot because of me.


Days have passed since I arrived here.

I have never noticed how horrible I look, with so many bruises die to his constant torture and I still have on my clothes from three days ago. Atleast I think it's been three freaking days.

I look so pale and I have lost a lot of weight cause I haven't had any food for this past few days.

I have been so lonely with no one to talk to and no shoulder to cry on. Lawrence only trooped in twice or three times in a day to check if I am still alive.

Not that he cares.

I mean he kidnapped me.

The trees constantly stare and the birds keep me company with their unending singing.

I wonder what state my dad is in right now. He's probably worried sick.

Who wouldn't be?

I keep pondering on the fact that I could be responsible for all this.

But how?

This is officially the worst summer ever.

Why? One answer.

The kidnap.


How are you doing?

Sorry for the short chapter. This book is not edited so please let me know if you notice any errors.

How do you think June hurt Lawrence. Let me know in your comments.

Let's keep reading and find out.

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Keep reading...Stay safe.

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