Chapter fifty four

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A.N. Sorry this is a little late! I really appreciate all the lovely comments you guys have been leaving! It makes my day! I hope you guys are staying safe, and enjoy this chapter!

"Ow you stepped on my foot" Draco complained.

"You brushed my shoulder." Ginny snapped back.

"I think I just saw a snarglepuff." Luna whispered excitedly.

"I don't think this is working." Harry sighed.

Their plan for making it outside seemed to be thwarted. Harry still had his invisibility cloak, and they tried to cram under it but there wasn't enough space.

"Let's go back and rethink a way to get out." Ginny suggested. They had only made it a few steps out of Draco and Hermione's dorm, so it wasn't too far of a walk back.

"Who's good at forgery?" asked Draco.

"Forgery?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"That's genius!" Ginny grinned. "All we have to do is say Humfrey is sending us to the ministry and wanted us to apparate outside the grounds."

"I'll do it. I've always wanted to try doing something like that." Luna said happily. She took out a piece of parchment from her pocket, took a quill and ink from Draco, and got to work.

"You sure you can do this? What if your signature doesn't look the same?" Harry frowned.

"Of course it'll be fine. But just to be safe, we should climb out the window so no Professors see us." Luna reassured.

"We aren't too high up so it should be okay." Said Draco.

"Alright. I'll get a rope ready." Harry conceded.

Ten minutes later, they were on the ground with their "seal of permission" from "Humfrey". Luna had done a wonderful take on what Humfrey would've written as well as an extremely fancy signature.

Oddly, they were able to walk freely over the grounds until they reached the gates. Draco had looked out the window a lot at night, and there were usually many aurors patrolling the ground as well as the gate.

"Stop." An auror commanded.

They were at the gates. Once they were through, they could apparate wherever they wanted.

"What are you four doing? We're on lockdown right now." He continued.

"Professor Humfrey sent us." Luna said innocently.

"Yes, he wanted us to speak to Kingsley on an urgent matter." Ginny supported. "Something only we could do."

"I don't think so. We were specifically instructed not to let anyone out." The man said doubtfully.

"Look. Professor Humfrey said to show you this if any questions were asked." Harry reached into his pocket and handed the auror the note.

"I suppose it's okay. Just do what you were instructed, and come back right away." he opened the gate and stepped aside to let them through.

Before the man could change his mind, they disapparated to Theodore's residence. They agreed it would be a good place to start, and appeared on the outskirts of the property.

"Look." Harry said seriously. "Don't do anything foolish or heroic. Our goal is to get Hermione back."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ginny had a gleam of ferocity in her eyes. Nobody messed with her friends without deeply regretting it.

"Let's go." Draco urged.

Harry led the way forward, and they arrived at the door with no confrontation.

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