Harmonia's Song

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Once upon a time,

There lived a King and a Queen. The pair were very much in love and together they ruled over the kingdom of Harmonia.

Harmonia was the land of music. The people of Harmonia, the Harmos, were all gifted with musical voices and music boxes for hearts. Each Harmo's heart had a different song. If a female Harmo and a male Harmo had the same song, they were destined to be together forever. Soulmates.

Every year, the Harmos would have a grand ball in the castle. At this ball, people met their soulmates and celebrated everlasting love. One day, at the ball, the King and Queen announced the birth of the royal triplets. The Harmonian kingdom was absolutely overjoyed and that day was declared as the grandest ball of all. It was also the last ball.

Just days after the ball, a new evil made itself known.

Lady Tonos.

An wicked woman who despised music and anything related to it. She arrived in Harmonia like an ominous dark cloud that turned out to be a tornado of destruction. She slaughtered the King and Queen and Harmonian warriors. The Harmos were lost without their leaders and protectors so they surrendered.

Tonos stripped the Harmos of their musical hearts and banned any and all types of music in Harmonia renaming it Silentium. The Harmos lost their beloved King and Queen, their warriors, their music and true love. Now they live miserably in deafening silence.

But not all hope is lost...

Legend has it that the Royal Triplets are not dead and one day they will come back to Harmonia and sing the last song. The song that will bring light to Harmonia and rid it of the darkness that is Lady Tonos.

One day...

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