Chapter One

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This is my first (real) story here on wattpad, and I even sorta timed the music with the story. Really I just wanted to say hi and enjoy. Please give constructive criticism and thoughts on what could happen next... I hope you like the story :D 

I want to dedicate this to my best friend, Astrid, just because she was there when the first few paragraphs took place... Yeah, it really happened :P

Sorry it's so short, but I would love to know what you think will happen next...

So come join the Crazies!

Love you all!

Link in the sidebar: Hero by Skillet 


Monday morning, it was raining and the subject was science. Usually I liked science, but today the topic was 'puberty, protection and sex'. As always the boys were their annoying, rowdy selves coming with unnecessary comments. Suddenly I was awoken from my thoughts.

"Good morning everyone!" Said the voice belonging to a tall, skinny man with rugged hair graying at the edges, Owen. The class muttered an inaudible answer.

"So, first I have an announcement to make; we will not be doing any more experiments this year because of a new rule from the school council that-"

"What, you mean we won't be experimenting with puberty, prevention and sex?" A blond boy interrupted our teacher as sniggers blew around the classroom. After a few minutes Owen regained control of the class and continued the lesson. I drowned out his nervous voice with a big dose of my favorite music. By now almost all teachers had learnt to ignore the fact that I constantly wore headphones, and never seemed to pay attention to what they were saying. As I pressed the play button on my ipod I could hear the blaring chorus of "Hero" by Skillet, and started to sing along in my head, mouthing the words but not saying them aloud. 

I need a hero to save me now, I need a hero, save me now, I need a hero to save my life, A hero'll save, me just in time...

Loud voices were heard from right outside the door, and Owen opened the wooden door wearily. Outside the door two of the schools so-called gangsters were pushing and taunting a third boy. The two baggy-clad boys were a typical sight at my school, everyone trying to stand out in the same way, not a good idea... The last boy however, was different. He looked, well... cool, with a hint of emo-bad-boy. His startling blue eyes were partly covered by his deep black fringe. Full lips were parted slightly. A cut on the left of his lower lip was making blood dribble down his chin. The dark red standing out furiously against his pale skin. He was not looking at me, but I got the feeling he was ransacking my brain. I got a last glance before the door closed, he was staring at me with a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. 

The noise-level returned to the normal ten notches over what was recommended. But as I was used to tuning out the noise, I was able to hear parts of what was going on outside. There was some shouting I could not make out. I creased my brow in frustration as the bell rang. I sighed as everyone got up and rushed out the crowded door. I stayed behind as usual. The rush to get out was too much for me, contact with other people was not my thing. Don't ask what it was, I just felt a rush of emotions and thoughts that weren't mine, and not in a good way.

After everyone had left, I slowly dragged my fingerless gloves on and rolled up my sleeves. I could feel the claustrophobia cornering me, the walls closing in. I stumbled my way to the door, the room swaying. Still dizzy I made my way up the stairs and continued further down the hall. Everything was swaying, but I knew that the fluorescent lights would be covered in filth further down, dimming the light in an eery way that had lured me in. Everyone kept saying this part of the school was haunted, and none of the cleaning staff dared come close. 

I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I thought about the reason behind everyones fear.

The night was drawing closer with every beat of her heart, and although she did not know it yet, so was death. Her tears fell invisibly against the rain. She could not tell the difference between her tears, and the tears falling from the sky. As she was standing up on the roof, a storm closed in on her. 

Wind pulled at her long, wet hair, tearing at her clothes, while throwing the tears off her face. Lightning started flashing, and less than a second later thunderous roars chased on the wind. The flashes of light struck closer and closer every time, and after a few seconds, she could smell the fiery electricity. The thunderclaps were growing unbearable as she was cornered by the storm.

The next morning she had been found in front of the school, dead. Her hair was burned, her clothes singed, but the one thing that caught people's attention, was the message she had left.

"This is only the beginning!" It had been written in dripping red on the walls of a corridor, that lead up to the roof. A corridor that had been locked. Her body had been drained of blood.

Ever since, strange things have been happening in that hall. Lights flickering, furniture moving, people getting hurt. I was the only one who dared enter that hall, I was the only one who felt safe there. I felt like I was with a trusted friend. Maybe I was, the girl who had died that night would have been my aunt.

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