"D-Darling, you're here."
Motioning towards her other arm that was still secured tightly around Atsumu's collar you repeated yourself:

"Are you gonna let go of what?"
your tone was more serious this time.
With what looked like a mixture of shock and a bit of offense, Himari released Atsumu.
Atsumu's intrigued eyes stared intently at your face.
Osamu was no exception, he looked rather afraid of your outburst.

As the shock dies down, the interior of the mansion could finally be appreciated.
A large chandelier hung from the celling, various, fancy sofa's were placed around what seemed to be the living room. A huge flat screen TV hung from a wall, and two spiral staircases led upstairs. A bar was near the back right next to the elegant kitchen, and most people seemed to be already be on the roof.

Himari still stood dumbfounded, a couple feet away from Atsumu.
"Hmph!" She stomped up the spiral staircase, her heels clicking loudly on the marble floor.
Your little outburst infuriated Himari, but now it was clear to her that you probably knew about what she did.
Not that it mattered to her, she had someone else to meet.

"Damn subway girl, what was that about?"
Atsumu smirked maliciously.
"Just helping." you said submissively.
The Miya twin didn't want to admit it, but he was quite impressed.

"Anyways, shall we...?" Osamu asked.

He gently grabbed your shoulder.
His touch was somewhat comforting, managing to calm you down immediately.
Nodding, you followed timidly behind Osamu as he ascended up the spiral staircase.
Atsumu frowned and hurried after the two of you.

"Isn't it a bit rude that the host hasn't even greeted us yet?" Atsumu thought aloud.
Osamu shook his head.

"Too many people to greet." He replied.
Atsumu nodded, to show he understood.
Excited screams and chatting was audible as you approached a doorway.
Osamu carefully swung it open and all three of you gasped aloud.
The roof sure was something.
There was a clear view of the large lake, a couple hills rode alongside the body of water.
A pool was in the middle of the roof, pool chairs and people with beach balls surrounded the area.

It was rather cold for swimming, but there were still countless girls in bikinis.
A bar was at the very corner of the roof.
There was a nice secluded seating area further away from the pool.
You spotted Himari chatting with Mei and Kita there.
In unison, you and the twins approached them.

Kita waved, Mei gave you a warm smile.
And from the distance you spotted Ojiro, walking towards the group with a couple drinks.
"Vodka?" He asked, handing you a cup.
"Sure." you replied.

"Careful with the drinks princess, don't pass out on me like Osamu does." Atsumu chuckled.

Osamu, who was angered by the remark smacked his brother, hard.

"Turd face." Atsumu snapped.
"Says the dude who has the personality of sewage water." Osamu spat.
"You boys really never know when to stop."
Himari looked irritated beyond compare.

Atsumu glared at her, he hated being interrupted.
"I could kick your face in with a volleyball ya know tha-"
"That's enough." Kita smacked Atsumu's back.

"Anyways, lets enjoy this night shall we?" He added.
Himari scrunched up her face and strutted away.

Nodding, you took a seat next to Mei.
"How's tonight going for you so far?" you asked.
Mei blushed furiously.
Something had definitely happened.
Kita eyes flashed at the two of you in worry.
"U-Uh...I'm gonna get more snacks.."
He muttered, rushing away.
"Strange." you thought.

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